Gifts From Mongolia
If you are an avid traveler and lover of extreme rest, then you should definitely visit Mongolia. Despite the fact that this country is close to ours, the difference will surprise you. Life, culture and traditions of Mongolia will surprise any of its primitive and natural. You will bewitch bizarre national patterns, and bold riders will hit their skills. Mongolia, for tourists and shopaholics rather "cheap" country. Here prices Some products are much lower than in Russia, so even a small amount of money you can afford to constantly eat in restaurants. You buy a variety of gifts and goodies for all the relatives and friends. But that can be brought from Mongolia? Many people believe that there is only a horse and a desert.
This is absolutely not true. Mongolia has a well developed crafts, arms and catering. You'll be pleasantly surprised by the proposed range and did not leave the country without a great collection of souvenirs and things "as a gift." The first thing worth noting is the clothing. Almost all the shops you'll find yourself a wonderful pair of fine Mongolian slippers, which will remind long time about this trip and warm in the winter cold nights. This article of clothing will not only be useful and practical thing, but good design will complement your home. Purchase shoes for all members of your family, it will bring into the house a bright color and warmth. Also in Mongolia, a huge assortment of all kinds of T-shirts with national symbols.
05.25.11Czech Republic
Turn to the Consulate of the Czech Republic. New opportunities for long-term filing multivisa. All in the Czech consulate in Russia and cis countries, is for citizens wishing to submit a set of documents for consideration of the issuance of long-term visas (multivisa) remains a challenge. This issue brings a lot of experience and additional financial cost for a residence permit in the Czech Republic. The fact that such documents: a statement of professional records at home of a citizen who wishes to apply, a certificate of professional records in the Czech Republic, the lease contract (employment) of housing in the Czech Republic have a certain validity. Information about professional records in the Czech Republic for 90 days from the date of its issuance. Statement of professional records from the homeland (Russia or other cis countries) is valid 180 days. Lease contract (employment) of housing has basically one-year validity.
Accordingly, after receiving at the hands of a package of documents for submission to the consulate, a citizen must file a limited time for consideration and wait for a response from the consulate for another 120 days. Many people simply can not enroll in a queue at the consulate, on the grounds that the record is held the twentieth day of each month during the two or three hours of the consulate and signs are usually a month or two ahead. At the time of writing this article, all in the Czech consulate in Moscow has already closed on May 2008 and, accordingly, recorded 4/20/2008 will be held in June.
05.25.11Shopping In Milan
Milan – one of the world’s fashion capitals, but not only – it is also true world capital of fashion shopping. Favorable prices and make purchases in addition to explore the many attractions attract numerous shopping tourists. In planning of shopping need to take into account specific features of national Italian organization of work: siesta for them – is sacred, and even though the Milan – not such a hot city, from 13.00 to 16.00 chance of finding an open shop a bit. Another feature – but not Italian, and pan-European – shops close by Russian standards, too early (in 19 -20 hours) and do not work on Sundays. It is also not recommended to go to Milan in August – the city as if dying, and the shops are closed for a period of two weeks.
Main street, with the best boutiques, is Via Montenapoleone (sometimes shortened to “Monte Napo”). It is here There is a large store brand Armani, which itself can be called attraction. Once in the boutique Gucci, you may find that this brand uses a lot of love among Asian tourists, and visiting the boutique Dior, learn how true his reputation as a place with the most courteous staff. Another shop worth a visit, is a boutique Viktor & Rolf, in which everything is upside down – the floor looks like the ceiling and the ceiling as the floor. Its own world, created a boutique Dolce & Gabbana.
05.25.11The Security
The security guard told me how to put documents in which folder to put where to go and even give different advice and answered questions. Ran for 4 people every 10-20 minutes. By 11.00 applicants in a tiny room was (may be mistaken) about 30 – 40. Why is that many women of pension age, who needed, in gentlemanly, give 'sitting' position. So I had to wait for the result stood.
interview result was not immediately apparent. Once was interviewed in a room N'2. Pretty to look at, dark-haired lady, age 35-37 at interview me just 'tearing'! It was a shame. This lady, and so I take away! Although it would be softer because for me it was obvious that she looks great, and I noticed it! But, nevertheless, in a conversation I just tried it 'Knock out'. I think the reason for such 'assertiveness' was my intended short visit to Toronto to study English, namely the total for the month.
Perhaps the reason was another thing I do not know. Under these circumstances, I have a 'letter of motivation "that the English, I almost do not know, because already with a 1-curves of high school courses simply forgot she could not understand why I fly only for a month, not three, if I need the language skills, which she flatly suggested for the month I did not get it. Here is an example of dialogue. Key phrases are what I remember them. Although at the time the brain does not work on the perception of information, but on the pitch.
05.22.11Sunny Beach
The beach is different, Sand everywhere, but there is a well-groomed beach where the sand is clean, there are groomed, where the sand, although good, but littered with various small debris. Do you want to sunbathe and relax on the clean beach, you have to pay for an umbrella and sun bed, or not, you can not on very clean beach, but for free. The sea is clean, the beach is not very deep, very convenient for bathing children. Children during the summer very much. Though, again here in Ravda, no crowds, all is quiet calm and relaxed. Of course, water rides, a large number of other attractions here too, no, but it is abundant in Sunny Beach, 10 minutes by bus and all the recreational fun at your service. This I also really like the fact that, living in a quiet place we always have the opportunity to take advantage of all the services offered by ski resorts, ranging from water sports and ending with discos.
And at the same time, it's not annoying, because we do not live in close proximity from such noisy places. In Ravda is a main street in the summer there is very lively. Until very late in the evening work shops, restaurants, bars and local establishments, called fur. Prepare delicious, but I, for example, quickly tired to eat somewhere in the restaurant or bar, so we often cook at home. The more so because almost all new apartments have wide loggia, where you can put a table and chairs and dine al fresco in the quiet atmosphere, listening to the sound of the surf.
Cooking in Bulgaria is a pleasure. Fresh vegetables, fresh meat, condiments and sauces are delicious, the wine – class! Prices are very reasonable, if not to say that low – lower than in resort areas such as Sunny Beach, and even more so is much lower than in his native Moscow. We quickly settled into our village, found a butcher's shop, vegetable shop and a supermarket. With all the vendors met and became good friends. It is pleasant to live in such relaxed and peaceful atmosphere! I want to emphasize good for Bulgaria to the Russian. This is important when buying an apartment in this country. So many Bulgarians say in Russian, if not speak, then we understand Russian. This is easily explained, during the Soviet era, Russian was mandatory to study in Bulgarian schools. Bulgarians seemed to me very friendly people. Our neighbors, almost all Bulgarians, we quickly became friends, often visited each other's homes, at the end of our stay, we went to visit even for breakfast. However, the Bulgarians are not annoying, you can always stay alone by themselves or with their family, and you no one is hurt. I I hope that you will get pleasure from buying apartments and accommodation in Bulgaria. I strongly recommend buying a flat in small houses or housing complexes, as we did, and life will still beautiful!
05.16.11Prime Ministers
Not by chance belongs to the Duke of Wellington catch phrase that Waterloo was won on the playing fields of Eton. Only a small portion of the tens of thousands uk schools belong to the category of public school; here has about 5% of the total number of pupils, however, these institutions (among which one third is the most reputable and prestigious in the country and the elite of the elites constitute Eaton, Winchester, Rugby, Harrow) are primary channels of reproduction of the political elite. This document describes some schools have a high degree dinastichnosti, which, respectively, favors the closure of the elite, it (for example, among school Eton two-thirds are children of alumni of this institution, between its walls came in 1918, Prime Ministers). The second link in the British system of elite reproduction – Colleges of Cambridge and Oxford. In Britain and most other European countries are more interdependent. Only a very narrow circle of people in the uk attending fee-paying schools, and goes to Oxford or Cambridge – the leading universities of the country. It is these people occupy senior positions in various fields, although it should be noted that their industry is less. This is because that the prestige of business in the uk is significantly lower than in the United States. 60-80% of persons occupying the highest positions in the military, the church hierarchy, the judiciary, the civil service, as well as components of the conservative wing in the parliament, were educated at fee-paying schools, and then at Oxford or Cambridge.
Lack Of Understanding Of The Sequence Of Actions
Lack of understanding of the action sequences. Many times you tried to start his own business and also repeatedly threw begun, and you give up because there is no quick return on investment? Thousands of beginners are faced with similar situation, and some after a few attempts, threw his initiative on the back burner. In his piggy bank advances they put one more example of failure and thereby increasing their distrust of himself, evaluating themselves, as not knowing how to reach her in real life. This happens not only in the Internet business, but also in normal off-line lives. Why is this happening, at what point we are making a fatal mistake, which become insurmountable obstacles on the path to success? What are the details and criteria we have been ignored at the stage of inception of our business? And is it possible to properly enter into the business, to anyone, not just the Internet? After all, look, there are a thousand failures made their way through dozens of successful projects that enhance their capacity every day. Hence it is possible, success is possible! Using what exactly the rules and laws that helped elect to break at the start? Actually y 'Success "there are certain rules and a clear sequence of steps, breaking, discharge the same and we can not achieve their desired results. One of the main reasons for the failure in business is the lack of specific spirit of your mind, in other words – not quite correct understanding of your inner self with your true desire.
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New International School
Traditionally the most popular country among willing to learn from abroad has remained the uk. And the trend is manifested both in the field of English language courses, and so in higher education. But this year Russians are suddenly together drew attention to the countries of the New World – have rushed for knowledge of the ocean – in the United States and Canada. Companies involved in youth tourism, mark an unprecedented demand for education in the U.S. and Canada. The flow of students in the U.S.
increased by 4 times, and in Canada grew more than tenfold. And this despite the fact that earlier education in Canada was virtually no demand by Russians. What is the reason for the rapid 'discovery' of America? In the first all, this is because the dollar has fallen markedly, respectively, and studying in the U.S. has become more affordable. Furthermore, we know that the American and Canadian universities are renowned for their prestige and give a quality education.
Not surprising that many young people (and their parents) to shift attention away from Albion to another continent. Of course, in America or London to study, to choose you. And for our part we want to give you a little information on various language courses, which we hope will be useful. Courses 'language + career' – New International School ef English First (). They are intended primarily for those who want to get on the linguistic courses all at once: the language to learn, and take another step up the career ladder. The program is called "International career, she has few options – choose according to your professional interests. Marketing and business (at ef in Cambridge). Students will expand vocabulary, business vocabulary, study skills of business communication. In addition, out of 26 English lessons per week four will be devoted to specialized topics – jurisprudence, international relations and public policy. The development of an international career (in ef schools in London and Chicago). Here the focus – on the job search and career development in international companies. Many emphasis on business vocabulary, preparing for interviews in English, the study of international law resume writing, corporate culture. English and Law (EF schools in London and Chicago). Familiarity with legal vocabulary. English and it (at ef in Cambridge). You expand your vocabulary of programming, software, information security and other professional topics. Even with Computer Slang acquainted. On all these courses you can go to any initial level of English – even the very beginners. Classes begin year-round every Monday. Course duration – from 1 to 4 weeks. If for any reasons, study abroad for you a problem, do not despair – there is a solution. However, in the first place, this information will be interesting to residents of Moscow and Moscow region. In Moscow Club Native speakers, where you can improve in foreign languages, with experienced teachers, native speakers. Visit the club's official website and read the information you need.
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