
Historical Context

Historical context of the Manifest Workmanship of the Communist Party For Galdina Maria Toledo the workmanship who from now we will start to display is about the Manifesto of the Communist Party written by Karl Marx (1818-1883) and Friedrich Engels (1820-895). The present Workmanship was written between ends of 1847 and beginning of 1848. Its first publication if gave in 21 of February of 1848. This workmanship was written as program of Liga of the Communists. This movement originated from a species of natural evolution of Liga of the Right ones, and this, in turn, was closely on to the trajectory of the proper modern industry and to the first attempts of organization of the European laboring classroom, especially of the German. The text, presented for Marx and Engels, was assumed in the complete one for Liga of the Communists, during as the congress of the entity, carried through in the 1847 end, in the city of London.

The Manifest Workmanship of the Communist Party, can more than be considered a pamphlet politician, written a century, was during good part of century XX a specter to go up to around the humanity, therefore this small book led, with the form of thought in contained it, to the separation politics of that if they find favorable to the marxist ideas and those fight that it. Throughout the formations of working parties it can be observed that these had used the text of the Manifesto of the Communist Party as a species of catecismo for the formation of its militant ones. However, the nickname of Communist Party passed only to be assumed from the Russian Revolution, with victory of the Bolcheviques, majoritria section of the Laboring Party social Democrat of the Russia that, with Lnin led the 1917 revolution, that after the falling of trees of the Czar Nicholas II and of the provisory Government, it restored the socialist regimen in Russia, and later formed the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics in 1922.

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The Public

Little people if have shown with patience and psychological and sociological conditions to understand the speech of the politicians who choose for representing to them, when do not judge it of corrupt, lying, disembarassed and deceptive. They are not nothing of this. An example is that, each time that we choose a citizen for some important situation, all dumb one in return because the dumb life of it. goes to say that not! I want here to launch my protest in defense of the authorities, therefore place we them in the power where situation was and why, so that, as. This rich poor person category that has defended its interests and of its next ones so well does not deserve to be disrespected nor recognized by the acts of courage and altruism in the direction to value its, even though the ones that do not have no value. In contrast of what my friends and my colleagues they think, it is largeness of ours there politicians, in the confrontation for its right ' to have direitos' , after all, who obtains to gain cause lost even can to make to rain in torrid area! Being thus, I advise the humanity to reflect concerning the phrases of effect and expressions of persuasion of the leaders of parties, congresses, chambers and controllers being able constituted of them, for some reasons: 1) They are elect for the people to make what always they make, therefore its function already is defined in the proper one of the common sense; 2) They never leave to support its friends in the hours most difficult; 3) They incessantly look for to value the public service and of quality, adopting it since in its proper house, since its room to be, kitchen, jardinagem and situations of party, keep and cleanness, democratically; 4) They use of the franqueza when they increase its proper wages, through decrees, you would carry and resolutions, officially, assuming public its devoid nature of ' direito' acquired, all authorized one for law; 5) They never remember the previous promises of campaign that threaten to exterminar necessary problems to the existence of the following campaign; 6) They always remember only the ones that at encircle them to the moment: familiar, canvasser, coreligionists and sympathetical, therefore take to the scratch the Biblical notion of ' mine prximo' ; 7) They never forget the canvasser that had fought for them during the campaigns and, logically grant positions reliable; 8) They know the necessities of &#039 well; its povo' (father, mother, father-in-law, mother-in-law, woman, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, son, son, grandson, granddaughter, friends and not o' people of outros'.

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Brazilian Laboring Confederation

From this congress it was created culture of if commemorating 1 of May (day of the worker) and was created the Brazilian Laboring Confederation that represented 50 proletarian associations. In the same year a general strike in the state of the So Paulo occurs. Initiate in the So Paulo Company of Railroads, finished for if spreading for other railroads of the interior and the capital and found support in other segments of the society as, for example, students. In 1907 a general strike for the day of 8 hours occurs; initiate for metallurgist of the So Paulo capital, this strike all found adepts for the interior of the state. In 1910 sailors if they rebel against the corporal punishments the one that were submitted (serious lacks were punished with chibatadas), take some ships and kill some officers.

The riot was known as the Revolt of the Chibata. Also in the city of Rio De Janeiro the Brazilian Laboring Congress of 8 the 13 of September of 1913 is carried through As. This Congress counted on the presence of about 100 commission agents who represented for it comes back all of 59 associations of the parents. Again the anarcossindicalistas teses had left winners. For deliberation of this congress, in 1915 1 of May For the Peace in the River and International Conferencia of the Peace in the River and So Paulo occurred. The movement Brazilian work force entered in a phase internationalist and if it came back against First the Great War. The conflict between the European imperialistas nations created difficulties of importation for Brazil, such fact made with that some products arrived to cost more up to 160 times, what increased the cost of living of the worker. Of this form, a climate was created antiwar in the Brazilian work force. At the same time, this difficulty of importation made to almost appear 6,000 new industries in the country, what it increased the Brazilian laboring classroom expressivamente.

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Second Republic

movement became victorious in 24 of October and Vargas assumed the position of provisory president the 3 of November of year the same. (FAUSTO, 1970, p.14-17) the changes politics, social and economic that had had place in the Brazilian society in the one after-1930 had made with that this revolutionary movement was considered the initial landmark of the Second Republic in Brazil. ' ' Historically Ribeira had always combats here. Since the Revolution of 30 and 32 for being verge of Estado' ' The motivations, ideas and objectives that had led to the armed movement of 1930 must be searched in the decade of 1920, when they had appeared more clearly the effect politicians of the industrialization and urbanization process and when new social forces, mainly the average layers and the urban masses, had started to demand a participation politics that until then them is forbidden. The claims and pressures of these new forces had led to the plea of the oligarchical State, in the measure where this age incapable to absorb its demands. The time of the Republic coffee with milk was with the counted days.

This plea to the oligarchical State did not count, however with the participation of the emergent industrial sectors and neither it was the result of a contradiction, to the level of the production, between the agrarian sector and the industrial sector. (FAUSTO, 1970, P. 112) Politically, this phase of the Brazilian life if characterized for the domain of the agrarian oligarchies under the hegemony of the cafeicultores. In local level, the power was exerted for heads of families – ' ' coronis' ' -, that they controlled the votes of its relatives, friends and subordinate and normally they occupied and they monopolized all the state positions. They were not only saw for the choice of the representatives the Congress as of the candidates the president and vice-president of the Republic.

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