Maastricht Agreement
, If it were not possible to be approved by the previous procedure and the reform would obtain an absolute majority in the Congress, it could even approve it without the majority in the Senate. If the constitutional reform only included the limit of the deficit in the Magna Carta could be approved by this procedure, without needing consulting to the citizenship with a Rrndum. Nevertheless, if the constitutional reform affected the Basic Institutions of the State, the fundamental rights or Corona, the approval procedure would be harder and complicated, as planned in article 168 of the Constitution. In this case, the Cameras not only will have to obtain 2/3 in favor of the proposal, but also that, the Cameras will have to dissolve and to summon new elections. If the new ones you cut, decided to ratify the text, will have to be put under immediately to an obligatory rrndum. In addition, when approaching the reform of the Constitution they must consult to the Council of State on articles to modify. Other modifications In case the reform left ahead, would not be the first time that modifies the Spanish Constitution. In 1992 the right of the foreign European citizens was included to vote in the municipal elections of the country where they reside.
modification became by the simplest route and it only added to the formula and liabilities to article 13,2 of the Constitution rrido to the suffrage right. This was an exigency of the Maastricht Agreement approved in the European Union in that same year, where it proclaimed the right of all the European citizens to to choose and to be chosen in the municipal elections. Nevertheless, there are other historical vindications that are not had including still in the Constitution, but which very years have been debated in the last. The waited for reform more is regarding article 57 of the Constitution, where prioritizes the man to the woman in the line of succession to Corona of Spain.
09.15.12Bauru Law
The Brazilian Law n 10,216 also conhecidacomo ' ' Law Pablo Delgado' ' as ' ' Law of the Reformation Psiquitrica' ' em06 of April of 2001 was promulgated, but the Movement already existed. ALuta Antimanicomial in Brazil appeared in 18 of May of 1987 in a Congress deTrabalhadores of Mental Health in Bauru-SP, but also already it came being projetadah some time. Antimanicomial fight in Brazil, the World and Belo Horizonte. Soon after Segunda World-wide War, appears in Italy the Movement of the Reformation Psiquitricachamado Democratic Psychiatry, this movement appeared with idiasde Frank Basaglia, a psychiatrist who put in practical a proposal deatendimento in the deGorizia Psychiatric Hospital, that consisted of diminishing the number of internments in the lunatic asylums to efazer the Society to accept the conviviality with the mental sick people. Transferred to paradirigir the Hospital of Triestre, Basaglia repeated experinciade superaodo model to put in a home-manicomial that it had given certain in Goriziae the ideals of the DESOSPITALIZAO MOVEMENT. This logic of treatment virareferncia in Italy, England, States Joined, France and several others pasesdo world as model for the treatment of the insanity. In the ltimosanos of the decade of 1970 in Brazil, during the context of opening of the RegimeMilitar surgemas first manifestations daluta antinamicomial in the health sector, following a trajectory of many social outrosmovimentos doPas.Em 1978 is formed in Brazil, in the state of SoPaulo MOVIMENTO OF the WORKERS IN MENTAL HEALTH (MTSM) that it passes to aprotagonizar the yearnings and the initiatives of the NATIONAL PSYCHIATRIC REFORMATION. OMTSM searched a transformation generic of the psychiatric assistance. Them they dennciasfeitasmostravam the breaking to the human rights of the interned ones, demanded areduo of extreme number of consultations for work turn, made crticasa cronificao of the lunatic asylum and to the use of eletrochoque on the part of the equipemdica, at last, the workers of better mental health demanded condiesde assistance to the dosservios population and ahumanizao.
09.8.12Madrid Campaign
What squalor! The toledistas voting by Humala Hummm, hummm! How many ministries will ask to him? Begins repartija? By the way Toledo must be thankful to him to Brushes that he is not president thanks to the fact that introduced in the political debate the support to the abortion, the union gay and the legalization of the drug consumption, subjects other people’s to the Peruvians and that the Church Catholic finished burying. The thesis of which the unique party that endorses votes is the APRA turned into a myth. The announcement was a gross error that the apristas disciplined ones would vote by PPK. Here yes there was political blindness and worse still, it disobeyed it to the militancy. There they are the poor votings of Kuczynski in the north, that demonstrate the treason of one of their allies, the Alliance by the Progress of Coins, that only worried that the family Coins entered the Congress and they forgot the presidential candidacy. Of all ways, PPK had a great campaign thanks to their marketeros Hugo Otero and Abel Aguilar and to the use of social networks impelled by Baella. As Humala or has the sambenito of the chavismo, first that is going to do it is to take a new photo with fascinated Lula or to use the one that or it has and to spread it so that some Peruvians abran the mouth. He is able to look for the photo until with Pope Benedicto XVI.
Soon we will see in action its Brazilian marketeros to make up it. In addition, it is certainly the fight against the corruption will be one of its props in campaign. It must be regreting than it said in Madrid on the terrorist most bloodthirsty Abimael Guzmn, of which he was " Robin Hood ". What not it must to forget is what it is written in its plan of government, who is his great weakness, against which says in the average estrados ones and of diffusion.
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