European Union Treaties
We should not forget either, within this context, large migratory flows of the Latin countries to nations like USA have swelled a very important market for goods and services in these Nations and that language, in practical terms, becomes a competitive advantage for the company that can cope with fluidity within the parameters not only communication if not also cultural they pave the way towards these millions of potential consumers. In this regard it is important to note the meeting of thin of more than 70 universities in all the countries of Latin America and Spain; which sessions in Medellin, Colombia, in days leading up to the Congress and whose purpose was the adoption and implementation of the SICELE (System International’s certification of the Spanish as a foreign language), and in the words of the Director of the Cervantes Institute will ensure that all holders of a certificate of knowledge of the Spanish foreigners are able to perform the same activities with languageNo matter the place or the institution where obtained it, a comparable certification obtained for the English language through the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) and therefore a important addition to a curriculum summary for anyone whose native language is not the Spanish as he can be for us a high score on the TOEFL. On the other hand, it is good to mention one of the challenges for the future during this Congress: Ramon scissors, director of the Instituto Cervantes Virtual Center puts us face our responsibility as diffusers of our language and our culture and asks us if we cannot allow or not that the English-speaking world, especially through Internet services, whoever does this crucial function as it is no doubt that a good part of the contents in Spanish of the Internet are being distributed and managed by Anglo-Saxon companies (for example: Google, Yahoo, YouTube, etc.), companies which also continue in the race for control of much more material content and services and by strict logic is our responsibility as a Spanish-speaking fill those niches, every day more important, in this sense, Mr shears, highlighting the need for participation, not only of business groups and States but also of all of US Hispanic Internet users..
10.4.13Colombian Resources
In turn, the socialization of the proposal has generated confusion that must be cleared in time to prevent that they divert attention and bog down discussions that are really required. From March 10, 2011, the national Government decided to put the proposed reform to the law 30 of 1992, before taking it to the Congress of the Republic for consideration of Colombian society. The objective of this methodology is to build a project that meets the needs of quality, relevance, coverage, modernization and internationalization of higher education. Although the presented text (164 articles) would have a direct impact on most aspects of the Colombian higher education system, the main concerns and confusion against the initiative have focused on the financial issue, which has various implications for both public universities and private. (In this regard, the Ministry of national education (MEN) has raised four major strategies: 1) increase resources to the public universities; (2) expand the number of beneficiaries of the Icetex credits; 3) manage private teaching and research resources, and 4) authorize the establishment of private for-profit universities. U public, without sufficient resources Moises Wasserman, rector of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, based on studies by the UN and other universities in the country, has made several comments to the proposal for the MEN. Against the financial plan for the public universities, he noted that the current Government maintains the one presented by the former Minister of education, Cecilia Maria Velez (2002-2010), increase the budget base of these institutions 1% of current resources in 2012, 2% in 2013 and 3% between 2014 and 2019. This offering, formalized in the Bill submitted to the Congress in May 2010, had already been rejected by the rectors of public universities. Since then, has been considered that these resources are insufficient and do not respond to financial calculations that public universities have done before their budgetary problems.
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