
Vision Politics

Electoral Corrals and of the natural goods our country in exchange for privileges and of the institutionalization of the beggary. I have that to compliment the current politicians, them they are ingenious. After the end of the governabilidade of the military, them (said Saving), they had continued to persuade the people, making the oaths of customs. We had then a new government or not? True charada a governmental one was being born, the demon-segmented politicians; declares itself, only commanders of the biggest humbug politics of this country. We must fill the democratic emptiness that the people want,, they said. They remember? The tipsy people for the manifestations and oaths – without had the real knowledge of the facts agreed to everything that was said for new the chaste politics – that of new it did not have nothing, therefore was the same ones that they had always wanted to take possetion themselves of the wealth of Brazil and to enslave the population on behalf of the spalling of the country. They look at the congress that if congregated at that time, is the same that today he is involved in the main crimes of corruption, shunting lines and disobediences.

The parties are exactly, the politicians also and to mask one more time, had decided to change the name of its legends, so that> Democrats and Republicans . I think to be important to have the registered truth, before they rewrite history. If some day we go to have our Brazil in return, we have that to understand as we enter in this confusion. The necessary people to understand that the Armed Forces exist to support and to defend the Country, does not stop being government or to defend governments. Currently, its cogitao, is confrotted on the other hand, with intratveis and cliente national problems of a capable and full Armed Force of energy, was very easy to mention it, as a solution for the moral of the institutions of the government.

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Geopolitical of the Peace of Obama and Brazil. Ivan Santiago Silva* Haiti is a poor country, very poor. Such poverty does not happen of the earthquake of January of 2010, but yes of the dull greed of five followed centuries that made of this poor and delayed people of an absurdly rich continent. The unforgivable succession of facts, as Spanish conquest, later Frenchman, followed of monarchies and dictatorships, at no moment had never aimed at the welfare of the Haitian people, but yes the brief imundcia of a imperialista power or another one. Always, without exceptions. Accented in the period of the Cold War, the ferrenha dictatorship of Haiti pro United States did not create a seno of misfortunes for this country. But after all, with exception of Brazil, that Latin country was truily> United States? Brazil de Lula grew very in recent years.

Global Politician, according to the elite of Davos of 2010, is a politician bonzinho, as much how much George W. Bush. The country of Squid, one of the BRICs, waves as power for the world in century XXI and as imperialista for neighborhood. Nothing of new in this old one I sing forgotten it planet Land. For being a global politician, old dream of Squid, the PT, the left and all the born Communists, the United States had yielded the control of the Mission of United Nations for the Stabilization in Haiti (MINUSTAH) still before this heading in 2010. In the truth the ONU yielded the control. It is that for us, terraqueous poor persons, to the times we confuse when it is an order of the ONU or U.S.A. Ahead of> control of the Minustah, Squid and the Itamaraty had carried through the biggest dream of the Brazilian external politics: to intervene directly with Central America, area of direct influence of the United States since always.

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