

Recently there was a clear tendency to rise in price of regular motor fuel. Many motorists, in addition to questions about the timely payment of auto loans, interested in fuel economy. Installation of gas equipment or chip tuning engine control unit is often associated with many inconveniences and loss of warranty on the car. Here are the basic and fairly simple guidelines to help reduce fuel consumption on any car for drivers who do not want to install additional equipment or to remain without a guarantee on the car: 1. Inspection and maintenance of the vehicle should be carried out regularly.

Clogged injector or carburetor, ignition poorly regulated, contaminated filtrovochnye elements – all these lead to higher fuel consumption. If you break one of the elements responsible for regulation of the fuel in engine, increasing the flow rate is very high. 2. Your car tires must be inflated to the manufacturer, respectively. With a decrease in tire pressure increases rolling resistance, and even You will get different tires to increase fuel consumption. To measure the tire pressure only in the cold because it increases even after a short trip by car.

In our time in any car shop you can buy an inexpensive, compact digital pressure gauge for these needs. 3. It is recommended to regularly adjust the alignment on your car. Wrong direction of the wheels results in a increased wear of tires, worse governance and excess fuel consumption. 4. Try not to load the car unnecessarily. It should not be in a week to carry a four sack of potatoes, simply because too lazy to bring their beloved mother-in.

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Plastics Etc

The three R's of ecology are Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Reduce … Whatever you buy and consume has a direct relationship with what you throw. Therefore, rational use and avoids waste. Follow these recommendations to give a respite to our planet: – Choose products with less packaging – Reduce the use of toxins and pollutants – Goes to buy a cloth bag or basket – Reduce the use of aluminum foil – Limit consumption of disposable products – Reduces energy consumption and Reuse Water Reuse …

is to give the most useful things without having to destroy or get rid of them. Thus the energy saving had been allocated to that product. The more objects reuse, will produce less waste and less exhaustible resources "expenses." Follow these simple tips: Buy liquids in returnable glass bottles Use paper on both sides Give the clothes you've outgrown Recycle … Recycle is to use the materials again and again to make new products significantly reducing the use of new raw materials. What kind of trash is recycled? It recycles everything that can be sold to make new products. Organic matter (food leftovers) Paper and paperboard Glass Metals (tin, aluminum, lead, zinc, etc) Plastics (polyethylene, piliestireno, polypropylene, PVC, etc.) Recycling of: saving energy saving water saving Lower raw material impact on ecosystems and natural resources saving time, money and effort Separate …

A person produces, on average, a kilo of waste per day. Separate the waste and give everyone the right treatment is the key to recovery. The most common separation is: Color typical types of waste container packaging includes Amarillo usually include plastics, metals and tetra-brik. Green or orange organic matter food scraps, nappies, ashes, etc.. Blue Cardboard Newspapers, magazines, packaging, etc.. Light green glass bottles, jars, cans, etc.. Rest You can take different colors includes wastes which are not in any of the preceding paragraphs: rags, containers of other materials, etc.

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President Yushchenko

So he approved the issue of billboards, causing Today sincere disgust with much of the electorate. But maybe he really does not want to win? But then why are so many billboards? In general, Yatsenyuk is trained and sane person who Takes immature and inadequate solutions in PR, political technologies, and advertising and not understand the meaning of those actions that he will make during the campaign. Probably even fewer understand it in social technologies of governance, the impact on mass consciousness in the motivation of large social groups, to create conditions for economic development strategies replay of political opponents. All this he have to learn over the next five years. It would be just anyone.

4. Yulia Tymoshenko. She has a chance to win the 2010 election. In fact, it is the main competitor to the incumbent. However, if she wins, or at second term will be elected President Yushchenko, the consequences would be about the same.

Is that Yulia Tymoshenko’s victory may prove to be more honest than the victory of Viktor Yushchenko. She will vote for women. And many men would give her his votes simply because she is a woman. Thus, it does not trump the fact that she can cope with the challenges faced by the country’s president is better than Yushchenko, but the fact that she – a woman in politics. I am sure that she successfully uses this is the only trump card. But, once again, her victory would mean for Ukraine are the same five-year wait for a new leader capable of leading the country on a path of development. Possible that the Yulia Tymoshenko, Yushchenko lost to Total votes counted, organize mass protests. However, this is not the most likely scenario: Yulia Tymoshenko understands the degree of risk rocking the boat already mentioned. In addition, she realizes that nothing fundamentally different from the position of President Yushchenko to offer voters she can not. So, with her hand – this is just a “struggle for the throne,” which is not good for the image. Queen’s image to Ukrainian politics has always been much more important than lust for power. I would say that this scenario is possible in the event that Yulia Tymoshenko wants to become a president and will go towards this goal, in spite of obstacles and not really paying attention to the threats and common meaning. 5. Viktor Yanukovych. Traditionally, the backing of the South and East of Ukraine, this candidate has a fairly good chance to collect a significant amount of votes. However, whether these be counted votes, depends on the composition electoral commissions. It was Viktor Yanukovich and politicians who support it, and are satellites of his political strength, could be those who will protest against the illegitimate victory Yushchenko in the 2010 election. However, Viktor Yanukovych, the man is savvy and understands the consequences of those actions. So most likely he will win Yushchenko as legitimate, regardless of how fair it would actually be. If this is and will, for Victor Yanukovych’s election in 2010 will likely be the last of his political career.

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The Serious Danger

Thousands of people, especially women, suffer in silence a terrifying reality in their workplace. Harassment is an increasingly widespread phenomenon in the workplace, which seriously undermines the freedom of those who suffer. It could be defined as a plurality of attitudes consistent in comments, advances, flirtations, looks or gestures essentially sexual in nature, that are unwanted by the person to whom they target and lead to the creation of a hostile work environment and terribly threatening for her. Although each situation is unique, it would be possible to speak of two generic forms of sexual harassment that could encompass almost all cases: the creation of a hostile work environment harassment a Quoa Quid Pro. Can be very useful to know when to remedy such a phenomenon. a) Creating a hostile work environment a sta occurs when those around the victim, whether one or more people, generating around an environment that causes that it feels uncomfortable or strongly violated by reason of actions or suggestions of lewd character.

Include, for example, cases where the victim saw continually besieged by one or more colleagues or superiors, who carried out openly jokes or comments in bad taste about it, or carry out brazen flirting, making you feel violent and visible intimidated. Many people do not think enough on how their actions could be perceived by coworkers, exceeding all limits them own mutual confidence. A policy of zero tolerance towards any kind of comment or suggestion of this kind would be the most effective against this type of harassment, which can severely damage the working environment in which they act different relations, hiring freezes, seriously damaging proper conduct of the Company. b) sexual harassment Quid Pro Quoa a This is perhaps the most common form of harassment recognized. You have occurs when a person located in a plane of hierarchical superiority against his victim (the latter normally working for that), try to get it the same access to the conduct of a sexual nature either through offers of upgrades or benefits (salary increases or promotions, for example) or threatened with a worsening of working conditions.

Harassment, as we have suggested, is not only dangerous to the person who has it. In your case it could generate very negative way of working for the Company. Therefore, the superiors should nip any such situation. In addition, it could be considered tacit could collaborate with these practices. Hence, take disciplinary action against the harasser, which could even pass for his dismissal, is always the best solution. Everyone has the right to find comfort in our workplace, especially since the large number of hours spent on it. If they experienced a situation that might fit with those described in this article, do not hesitate a single second and put your case over to a lawyer specializing in labor issues.

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Administrative Resources

September 29 in Media Center news agency "Tambov-inform", a briefing, in which questions were raised concerning the election campaign in Tambov City Council. The event was attended The media, experts, political scientists, lawyers, representatives of political parties and movements of the Tambov region. There were different views on the training course and degree of activity of political parties – parties electoral process. The measurements of the Center for Public Opinion Studies Institute of Social and Political Communication 67.1% of residents of Tambov ready to come to the polls and make their choices, their preferences as follows: Fair Russia – 7.3% Liberal Democratic Party – the Communist Party 9.7% – 13.4% United Russia – 36.7%, a separate issue that caused the increased interest was the theme of the removal of the Communist Party from the electoral process. Participants in the briefing actively discussed deployed in the campaign against the candidates of that party, in particular, against one of the leaders of the Communist Party list Zhalnin MM Here are some statements quite interesting and demonstrations in terms of assessing the election campaign. Plotnikov PV, Tambov Oblast Duma deputy: I think that there is no legal reason to exclude Moscow from Zhalnin list of candidates from the Communist Party.

I agree with the statement filed in court. I believe that the presentation of the argument is clearly contrived. Applicant – City Branch of the party "Fair Russia" – replaces the concept of the campaign against a particular party and the excitation social strife, the concept of political opponents and enemies.

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Georgian Democracy

The country has lost territory, is facing such a serious and meaningful by the fact that she should carefully study and understand all the reasons which led to such a plight. In Georgia, it ought to do another one and a half ten years ago, and then, in the case of extracting the right lessons, we could avoid the current tragedy. Alas, it happened anyway. August, in the light of developments in the Georgian conflict, primarily associated with last year's war in South Ossetia. But this month has started and the other war – in Abkhazia. Every year, on August 14, on both sides once again recall the events of 17 years ago.

Visit of memorable places in Tbilisi, is limited mainly to Memorial of the fallen in the Abkhaz war. Relatives and friends of fallen soldiers, the authorities, refugees, laying flowers at the marble slabs mounted on Heroes' Square. The square itself was named in the late 40s after other characters – the Great Patriotic War. Then it seemed that the new wars after the victorious march to Berlin will never be. In late 1988, when the war in Karabakh have already begun, and before that neshutochnye unrest took place in Kazakhstan, Georgia, visited the Secretary of the CPSU, Alexander Yakovlev, a leading ideologue known as "perestroika". At a public meeting, he expressed concern about the processes in the various republics and expressed concern that the this development can be fraught with the disintegration of the Union. And then thanked the people of Georgia and for the fact that there continues a quiet life, no dramatic events of that time were no signs. Alexander N., however, lived until 2005, and witnessed all the upheavals that have taken place in Georgia.

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Leaving Work

Well, maybe not so dramatic in your family and at work. Maybe. Do not argue. There are all sorts of situations. Some lucky. But even if we are lucky – let's take a look into the future. Do you think this is impossible? But we still try. Imagine that many years had passed and now, today, you retire.

Rather it will happen tomorrow, but today you last time at work. We say goodbye to the team. Depending on whether and to what position you promoted, or you organize a small sitting in the back, or order a posh dinner in the dining room of his establishment. The essence remains the same. Scenario about the same. That covered table. Here you are headed to next with the director and chief accountant.

All in turn stand up, say what you are good worker, good man, a reliable friend. You can rely on. To like you the world holds. You have done so much for home organization and team. Your photo is permanently posted on the board of honor, etc. Then the director said that such a reliable, time-tested staff so sorry to let go, that everything you love and appreciate. Then buhlalter a standing ovation hands you an envelope with the last premium. Sounds good music, guests help themselves, begin to dance. To suit you colleagues in an informal setting wish all the best. That's nice. You have full friends all love you, appreciate and respect. You yourself feel that today is the day of your glory, almost finest hour. It's a pity only that this day is almost over. Grand Final – you sit in the director's official car and you with lots of gifts and flowers being taken home. You say goodbye to driver, climb into his apartment and happily go to sleep, turning over in my head warm words and wishes that you said now former colleagues.

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