From this congress it was created culture of if commemorating 1 of May (day of the worker) and was created the Brazilian Laboring Confederation that represented 50 proletarian associations. In the same year a general strike in the state of the So Paulo occurs. Initiate in the So Paulo Company of Railroads, finished for if spreading for other railroads of the interior and the capital and found support in other segments of the society as, for example, students. In 1907 a general strike for the day of 8 hours occurs; initiate for metallurgist of the So Paulo capital, this strike all found adepts for the interior of the state. In 1910 sailors if they rebel against the corporal punishments the one that were submitted (serious lacks were punished with chibatadas), take some ships and kill some officers.
The riot was known as the Revolt of the Chibata. Also in the city of Rio De Janeiro the Brazilian Laboring Congress of 8 the 13 of September of 1913 is carried through As. This Congress counted on the presence of about 100 commission agents who represented for it comes back all of 59 associations of the parents. Again the anarcossindicalistas teses had left winners. For deliberation of this congress, in 1915 1 of May For the Peace in the River and International Conferencia of the Peace in the River and So Paulo occurred. The movement Brazilian work force entered in a phase internationalist and if it came back against First the Great War. The conflict between the European imperialistas nations created difficulties of importation for Brazil, such fact made with that some products arrived to cost more up to 160 times, what increased the cost of living of the worker. Of this form, a climate was created antiwar in the Brazilian work force. At the same time, this difficulty of importation made to almost appear 6,000 new industries in the country, what it increased the Brazilian laboring classroom expressivamente.
| August 25th, 2012 | Posted in General |