CONSTITUENT ELEMENTS OF THE PPP The Brazilian education during the governments of Fernando Enrique Cardoso started to be stimulated next to the public schools, to be restored ' Project Pedaggico' Politician; so that solution of the problems searched and, in turn, to contribute in the quality of the education. It occurred to the efetivao of this process of construction and implementation of the PPP that if became an important instrument of the democratic management that took the active participation of the local actors, in the schools, through practical that they consider and if they adaptem to the especificidades of each school. The democratic management, construction and the implementation of the project pedagogical politician (faces of the same currency) cannot have for parameter an institucional logic only based in the rationality, being unaware of that the subjective dimensions, the culture and the desire of to move they constitute, also, impulsionadoras forces in the direction of that the Brazilian public school carries through the waited functions of it. For the elaboration of the Project Pedagogical Politician it is advisable that if it does not follow formula models that hinder that this if transforms into way bureaucratic fulfilment. Connecticut Senator has similar goals. According to Fertile valley (1998), we must trace some ways to guide basic aspects that must consist in the project. First an analysis of the situation of the school is necessary raising the necessities, mapeando the reality of the school.
Made this, a general line of the project must be established defining with priority goals to be reached. Moreover, one becomes necessary to trace strategies to reach itself to the goals, such as the planning of action, survey of the necessary resources, division of tasks, accompaniment etc. Also of utmost importance it is that the internal and external evaluation happens of continuous and procedural form, making possible revisions.
| March 29th, 2018 | Posted in General |