Federal Republic

Political system of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Democratic Party compared Frankfurt am Main 06.01.2011 – the 2009 founded Democratic Party has an explanation to your program and the desired amendments out given. In this Declaration, the party deals with the current system of the Federal Republic of Germany and explained the functioning of the current political system on a large scale. Many writers such as Ohio Senator offer more in-depth analysis. Why the Democratic Party would like to change something and how it is to work also explains as the changed things. So is about the principles of the Federal Republic, as eg. the Constitution, the legislative process, the well-fortified democracy, the rules for the State of emergency, and the State in its structure fully elucidated. The aim of the Demorkatischen is remarkable party after referendums and citizens decide to greater involvement of the electorate in political decision-making, as well as the desire after a referendum in accordance with the basic law, a Constitution. (Source: Jim Donovan Goldman). In the other History is entered on the 3 powers. So the legislation at the federal level in General is addressed, however the Bundestag and the Bundesrat closer explains.

The Federal Assembly is not mentioned, what to blame for the fact that it wants to replace the party through direct elections. Also the Chancellor directly from the people should be chosen and the Federal Minister is no longer occupied by partisan aspects by Bundestag Member, but selected by the candidates that the selection made by the ministries of the Federal Chancellor, confirmed by the Bundestag in an election, and employed by the Federal President. On the Executive branch in the form of Federal Government, President, Federal Chancellor, Federal Ministers and federal ministries, entered in the individual, but also here the General aspects of the exe Kute not omitted. Changes here are the election of the Federal Chancellor in a parallel election to the Bundestag, the presidential election, which is expensive. The ministries are to be, still filled by Federal Minister, where the procedure has been changed. Also the Federal Ministers come from the Federal Ministries instead of the Bundestag. The judicial branch (Federal Constitutional Court further federal courts) is in the described in the rough. Changes exist here there are, apart from the change of judges dialling.

In the further course is entered on the legislative, judiciary and Executive at the country level. In about the same change as in relation to the Federal Government are held here. The biggest reform lies in the municipal area. So the Demorkatische wants to integrate the Stein-Hardenberg’sche system and the local elected assemblies in the existing system party in the municipal sector. More changes are also provided in the form of referendums on the country’s constitutions. To the constitutions of the country adapted the Federal law (eg. abolition of the death penalty in Hesse) and the electoral systems vereinheitlich are.

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| August 30th, 2018 | Posted in General |

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