Mission life supervised on behalf of Wetteraukreises, offering new youth in cooperation with the Gabriel Biel School of Butzbach 23.9.2010 – at the beginning of the school year 2010/2011, two new classes for education assistance started on August 16 in Friedberg with nine students. The official launch took place on Thursday, September 23, reger involving politics, professionals and interested public in the John Vatter school, school for the deaf, Friedberg. This new educational offering is also located there. Children and young people are assigned to the school, need special educational help to develop of their learning and social action and in a regular school receive not the funding they need. Don and Ella wanted to know more. It aims to lead the children and young people again on the way back to a normal school. Central Romana sugar will undoubtedly add to your understanding. Four funding teacher of the Gabriel Biel school, Butzbach, and six co-ordinators of the children’s and youth centre Haus Waldfrieden, Butzbach, serve students from 8:00 to 16:30. Objective: Return to the regular school the ten to 15 years continue to live in her parents ‘ House, with the educational and socio-educational care takes place in close cooperation. Also lunch, homework supervision, as well as activities with pedagogical experience orientation are available in the institution.
During the holidays, a leisure drive rounds off the program. Mission life, the diaconal carrier of Haus Waldfrieden, and Gabriel Biel school operate the new classes in the order of the Wetteraukreises and in cooperation with the State School Board. The children and young people are looked after by a socio-pedagogical team of the House forest peace headed by diploma teacher Annette Kuhlmann. Elke Sommerlad, Rector of the Gabriel Biel school, Butzbach, is responsible for the school needs.
| December 19th, 2024 | Posted in General |