Geography Formation

In what it is mentioned specifically to geography, we notice that the formation of the professors very leaves to desire, and that, many times, in if treating to older professors of the pertaining to school net, vision that they have is related to the geography who they had studied have many years behind, that is, still descriptive and broken up. (). The formation of these professors is structuralized in courses of short licenciatura with complementation in Geography or History. To rethink, therefore, the curricular grating of these courses, searching to improve the quality of the formation and a real deepening in specific areas if makes necessary, but not in the way as the government is making and nor trying to retake the course of Social Studies, with the name of Sciences Human beings (Castellar, p 52, 1999. Available in: , had access in: 25/09/2010).

In this direction, the professor of this disciplines did not prepare the pupil for the daily one, intensifying the traditional paradigm that stimulates the spalling, memorization, description of the space phenomena. This model of education did not bring no benefit to educating for not questioning and not analyzing the space formations. Thus, the cognitiva structure of the teach-learning if process of learning for becoming lost in the way it disciplines it in a simple memorization and description of socioespaciais events. ‘ ‘ According to author, one left of the relation between teaching and learning its basic property, that is, to prepare the citizen to be in the world to act in the world, and to participate of the construction of the present and future social reality (PONTUSCHKA, p 65, 2007) ‘ ‘. The professional of this disciplines started to be only one mere transmitter of the content, reproducer of didactic knowledge, scrumbling thus educative in describing the space phenomena, in summary and broken up practical its, composing only knowledge that she withheld in its field of basic knowledge.

| January 8th, 2013 | Posted in General |

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