The chemical necessities of the plant had been raised only in 1870 and only much more late ece of fishes in practical. The average of life of the of the state of Rio de Janeiro coffee plantations went up to around the 20 years, because the plants that did not resist were not substituted. The harvest and the improvement had empirically been developed in accordance with the accumulated experience of other cultures. The drying was done to the sun and the drying places of fetichism alone had been paved from the decade of 1860. Gradually machines in the process had been applied, liberating man power for the untwining, that congregated all indiscriminately the types of grains. Today it is known that 18% of the of the state of Rio de Janeiro surface with the culture of the coffee were consumed, and that without the black enslaved man power this development and the high gotten profits would be impossible. Had to these information we will analyze the importance of the black for the economic development, and the English onslaughts in search of the release. IV the black slave in the Brazilian formation and the petty politics of Imperial Brazil As already was said previously will see now the extreme importance of the use of the enslaved man power for the blockhouse and sustentation of Brazil Empire. But as he can make use of the slavery as much time? As he can allow to the Church and the men of well that he was used of cruelty of the man on the man? When we say slavery, the first thing that it sends to our minds, I believe, is the use of the force against black human beings, acuando them and forceing them with forced works, having the white man as ' ' demon civilizador' '. However when retroceding some hundreds of years, we can see that also it had slavery in the old world.
| June 26th, 2018 | Posted in General |