Liberal Reforms

Following the orientaes prescribed in lesson, referring to the thematic axle for the concept of the daily work or, we search its possible meanings in the Dictionary of Historical concepts. The work concept is amplest e, according to Brito Corra: ‘ ‘ the word work is used currently with some directions, between them proper mental or intellectual activity of the man frequently (but not necessarily) penosa and directed to a useful end: not mere pleasure or as a game, but to gain the life for necessity; in this direction, the work if opposes the activities carried through for love of the next one, to reach prestige, for love to the native land, or for glory of Deus’ ‘ (CORREA, Brito, 1981.) Assuming itself of this concept of work, we will plead on the Liberal Reforms in Latin America, focando especially in Argentina, Mexico, Chile and Uruguay, countries these that after soon quarrel enters the researchers of the group had shown if more prominent. Argentina is marked by the fight of federalists against centralistas.

Chile and Mexico for the fight of the liberal ideals against the power territorial politician and of the church catholic, in Uruguay the reforms happen by means of a central figure, president Jose Battle y Ordoez, having as deep cloth of the confrontation between the parties Colorado and Blanco. Its funny secular clipping of more evident form of the years of 1840-1880, but remembering that the liberal ideas already propagated in America since the moment of independences of the colonies next to the metropolises. In the Uruguayan case these reforms happen of slow form, proving itself in the end of century XIX. LIBERAL REFORMS: QUESTIONS SOCIAL POLITICS AND IN EVIDENCE IN Latin America the liberal reforms had happened in almost all America, mainly in the countries that, during the colonial period, were town by aboriginals or that they had been important administrative and producing centers, where the Church if appropriate of large states..

| June 18th, 2018 | Posted in General |

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