Luisa Fernanda Rudi

The president of the PP, Mariano Rajoy, has assured on the other hand that the citizens have chosen freely what &quot considers; bueno" for Spain. Autonomic elections – Principality of Asturias. Asturias forum, the formation of exministro Francisco Alvarez-Helmet has become the first political force of the Principality, since it has obtained 16 of the 45 benches in game in the autonomic elections, one more than the PSOE (15), whereas the PP has obtained to 10 representatives and United Left 4. – Cantabria. The PP has secured his first absolute majority in Cantabria from 1983, with an historical result (46%) that will turn into president to Ignacio Diego. The PRC has conserved their twelve deputies, and it has even grown slightly in votes (has happened from the 28.64 to 28.90%), but their partners of the PSOE during last the eight years have backed down eight points and, with the worse balance of its history (16.39%, seven deputies), no longer they add to govern. – Navarre. UPN, with 19 of the 50 benches of the Parliament of Navarre, has lowered in three representatives their presence in the leasehold Camera, but, with the support of the 9 parliamentarians of the PSN-PSOE, it could obtain the absolute majority necessary to invest president to his candidate, Rust-coloured Yolanda, that cannot govern in minority.

Nafarroa Bai has obtained 8 parliamentarians, and Bildu, 7; Left has obtained 3. – Aragon. The PP has obtained 30 deputies, and her candidate, Luisa Fernanda Rudi, could be elevated in president of the Community whenever she obtains the support of the seven parliamentarians that has secured the Aragonese Party (EVEN), since the sum of PSOE, CHA and IU also is of thirty deputies. – La Rioja. The PP has obtained, for fifth consecutive time, the absolute majority in La Rioja, with 20 deputies of the 33 autonomic benches, reason why Pedro Sanz will stay like president of the regional Government, position that occupies from 1995.

| January 19th, 2013 | Posted in General |

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