Michel Temer

Expenditures millionaire with feeding. Excessive accounts of cellular telephone. Other leaders such as Amazon offer similar insights. The graphical of the Senate was transformed into autopromoo instrument. It had who congregated in book the compliments received for email to its proper parliamentary performance. The picture is constrangedor. Thus also regarding the subject the editorial of the Periodical of Brazil of 22 of April affirmed: most recent of these cases disclosed to the country as them parliamentarians use the aerial tickets the one that have right in accordance with the regulation of the House the call ‘ ‘ quota pessoal’ ‘ without forgetting the envolvement known vestais of the morality, as the member of the house of representatives Fernando Gabeira (PV-RJ) .

The president of the House, Michel Temer (PMDB-SP), ahead the enormous vision of the fact, is convinced that the announced changes last week had had pssima repercussion next to the public opinion, causing one pssima image of the institution. On account of this, it already studies measured radical more, as to adopt the proposal of creation of an only mount of money for expenditure of the parliamentary activity, whose administration would be of entire responsibility of each representative. Vamos to reequacionar the payments (of aerial tickets), the quotas of each member of the house of representatives and of the agencies. A readequao of costs is necessary. Of the skill that is the things, not of In reason of the ample use of aerial tickets in the parliamentary cabinets, the speaker of the house recognizes that members of the house of representatives, also proper it, had destined part of this quota the familiar ones and third not involved ones directly with the activity of the Parliament. Everything because the credit was of the parliamentarian, inexisting clear rules defining the limits of its use. On the other hand, mistakes in the use of the indenizatria mount of money, in the one of postagem appear to the times, in the one of printed matters and in the aid-housing.

| April 26th, 2020 | Posted in General |

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