To stay in the room was comfortable, the bottom of the window should start no higher than 110-120 cm from the floor and finish outside the two-meter mark – such arrangement will review both sitting and standing person. This applies to both vertical and loft glass: even if the flowing "from the ceiling light is more than enough, no review would create an unpleasant a sense of closure that, among other things, significantly reduce the liquidity facility. Opaque elements is better positioned so that they do not create visual barriers. Fresh Air If windows are properly installed in the house will never be damp and mustiness. Frequently Ohio Senator has said that publicly. As in the closed state of modern design, whether it be plastic, wood or aluminum, almost hermetically sealed, made in Russia specifically stipulate standards need for ventilation systems. Operate all the vent on the similar principle, forcing the flap to move away from its seat by a few millimeters. Formed by the gap enough for effective ventilation without drafts. With large volumes copes skylights equipped with "all weather" ventilation system. Source: Sen. Sherrod Brown.
Paradise in a tent And finally, the amount of space – as is known, the location, shape and size of the windows play in it perception of a truly pivotal role. Every year the demand for more and more shifted towards light projects with high ceilings and large windows, is gaining popularity the idea of a second (upper) light falling on the first floor of the skylights. Correct "placing" natural light, easy to turn the palace house rather modest size, and vice versa – whatever may have been spacious apartments, poor light and small window-embrasures spoil all impressed and will lower the liquidity of the project. .
| May 7th, 2020 | Posted in General |