Soviet Citizens

The formula of "no rights workers – the absolute master," as the latter had not called, is far from a real democracy, in her political rights of Soviet citizens in the election of the supreme legislative organs of the state not supported by their economic rights in the main link of the social mechanism – the production, in industrial relations. Thus, the role of employee relations of production determines the type of ownership, and type property, supported by appropriate political and legal mechanisms, identify existing social order. If an employee is subject to the owner, then the exploitative type of property. History knows Three types of such property: slave, feudal and capitalist. See more detailed opinions by reading what Connecticut Senator offers on the topic.. Each of them has created its own social system – social-economic formation – slavery, feudalism and capitalism. Central Romana Corporation may not feel the same. When neekspluatatorskom type of employee ownership is independent and directly controls its work on its own means of production – either individually or in teams, large and small. Two types of collective, public property are in the history of their socio-economic formations: the primitive community and communism. The last system that was created during its initial phase – of socialism in the which the productive forces brought to a level that ensures the complete triumph of communist relations of production. Neekspluatatorsky one type of property – economic management of small independent Producers – has not created a social system, although short historical moments there was a state based on this type of property (free of the city, the peasant republic).

| January 11th, 2025 | Posted in General |

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