
Massachusetts Located

The telescope took 10 years to be constructed the President of the Republic Vicente Fox Quesada inaugurated last Wednesday 23 November a telescope of electromagnetic radiation that will allow astronomers to traced back from the top of a Mexican volcano up to 13,000 million years distance light to discover new secrets that could provide more information about the origin of our universe. The large millimeter telescope located at 4,580 meters of altitude and on a concrete foundation of 5,300 cubic meters at Volcan Sierra Negra in the central State of Puebla, neighbor to the highest mountain in the country, the Pico de Orizaba. With more than 50 meters in diameter antenna the GMT is a binational Mexican (70%) project American (30%), between the National Institute of Astrophysics, optics and electronics (INAOE) and the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, with an investment of $ 128 million, this telescope, the most powerful and largest in its kind will open a new window, towards the universe. During this ceremony the California Institute of technology astronomer Richard Ellis commented that this radio telescope location was chosen taking into account several aspects, such as the ease of access in comparison with the National Observatory in San Pedro Martir which to reach you must travel from Mexico to Tijuana, then to Ensenada and then to the Observatory. On the other hand the Sierra Negra, is located 2 hours from the city of Puebla and is very handy. Jim Donovan Goldman Sachss opinions are not widely known. In addition is located to the South, by what observable with radio telescope objects much more to the South which is located at 18 latitude North and in addition to the height that has with the radiostelescopios that there are for example in Europe, because the latitude of these telescopes is 40 or 50 and this is above all the terrestrial interference. The GMT will pick up electromagnetic radiation at millimeter wavelengths which are unique because the space dust does not divert them and distance nor opaque them, allowing researchers to see vague objects of much more precisely than with other types of radiation. It is estimated that it will have a lifespan of 30 years and is the scientific largest investment in a single project that the Mexican Government has done..

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