
Ortiz Conquistar

She does not gather in a limousine and presntela with a dozen of roses, dinner to an expensive restaurant and a dance of a serenade in the light of the moon. This only works in the films. In the real life it would probably scare a woman. One does not go and it does not spend too much money in the first appointment. It uses this appointment to feel connection between you. This it is when you are constructing a relation with her. You want to find out more envelope she and what you they have common. To deepen your understanding Richard Blumenthal is the source. You need to relax and to be comfortable around of she and to estimate its potential.

It decides if you want to see it again, or if an appointment is enough with this woman. You do not want to spend time and money in being with a woman to whom you do not want or with that he does not amuse himself. If you are very interested in this woman, then you can work in constructing sexual chemistry, nevertheless, for his first appointment you do not have too much to be sent with its sexual interest. You want to coquetear with her, and to catch its attention, but you do not have to offend it with its sexual desires! If you want really it, mustreselo to traverse of subtle gestures putting his hand in its back while she walks slightly ahead of you, or giving him massage of the man. Simply it takes time to know it. It does not press a woman to put itself sexual too much soon. If you are looking for a woman she stops one night then it must probably change to his approach and its expectations. The good things come to which knows to hope; this is truth for the good women, also. You have that to understand that a woman with the morals and/or values will want to trust a man and to be able to know it before to lie down with him.

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Liberal Party

Their political strategy was undoubtedly product of very bad advice that did not interpret the political reality national, but above all regional. The results in Antioquia and Medellin demonstrate it because these were the major niches from voting on this motion. The blurring in this election will affect the results obtained in the first round, if they are of course not corrected before it, because the main injured party has been its presidential candidate, who is perceived as responsible for what happened. What is more, what happened in citizen engagement is a clearly shows that the political bases are essential to the livelihood of any aspiration, in this case, national. However, the big surprise was without a doubt the result obtained by the Liberal Party. Without power in 12 years, without bureaucratic representation, worn because they were in the opposition, without a charismatic leader like that always in the past characterized it and with the expectation of being far outweighed by the governing coalition parties, liberalism achieves seep between the top three and the option clear and precise definitely influence the presidential elections.

Of course, if you know seize the moment because its parliamentary results were not necessarily reflected in presidential elections. The big problem of this match is that their candidate lacks a key feature in anyone who intend to aspire to a position of popular election: charisma. And although the discussion around this topic could have various interpretations is undoubted which and against its direct rivals this represents a disadvantage. It is however undeniable that both liberalism and the conservatism beneficiaries were by the wear that accuses the been and so its safe or possible successors represent. Left with the pole, accusing an internal split, suffered by the disputed administration of Bogota, popularly seen as the above is reflected in their results. No doubt any transitory phenomenon, among other reasons because Petro is not the element cohesive they so desperately need. Synthesis and face to the first round, the only party that actually sumo was the U, then regardless of the questioning will make members of other communities uribistas (P.I.N.), add all together one-third of the Senate. All others will be measured in the first round to try and become indispensable for the second, because the seven candidates have quite clear that five of them have no choice. A day after that occurred the first, we can know then or at least venture to predict possible partnerships, taking into account the results, the ideological background of the candidates, the interests of their communities, but especially the perception having citizens, although that does not necessarily mean that our favorite is going to win.

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