
Choose Enthusiasm

When it comes to someone else, we always have too many things to do and not spend time with them. We must ensure that the agenda of the neck grip us and we try to hang. Get rid of it and live with people who love you. 4: It promises to find the bright side of things, to realize your optimism. Look for places with sunshine, let the shadows are behind you, looking for people who have life and enthusiasm and abandon the pessimistic look for books that will inspire and motivate you to live better, look for the tasks that you fill excitement and fun. 5: Promise to think only the best, fighting only for the best and expect the best. Often we are discouraged by things that hit us, failures, problems, criticisms, things do not turn out as we expected, and so on., And once we lose the spirit, we lose time in our lives.

Get up and devote yourself to enjoy every second of your life. 6: Promise you will feel much enthusiasm for the successes of others, like yours. Avoid being selfish, envious and spiteful, these feelings only bring more negative thoughts that distract you and away from the happiness. 7: Promise to forget the mistakes of the past and continue fighting for the great challenges of the future. Although this procedure we feel when we make a mistake or we misbehave, which we call remorse, only takes away energy. Better focus your energies on fixing this bug and love all around you.

Remember that love is the great source of excitement. 8: Promise you will always be a friendly face and cheerful, and offering a smile to everyone who you are. Remember that giving a smile get a smile. 9: It promises to devote full time to improve your own or one you have no time to criticize others. Avoid harming others with offensive comments, speaks only to make others feel good. 10: It promises to put enthusiasm into everything you do. Always acts as if you were full of enthusiasm. You start pretending, but then feeling and "Catch. If you make your life a dull life, to blame you. If you make it a great adventure of joy and enthusiasm, the nuts also responsible. Take now determined to double the amount of enthusiasm that you have devoted to your work and your life. If you carry out this resolution, prepare to see amazing results. Probably will double your income and double your happiness. When you wake in the morning you have to decide between being happy and enjoy the day, or crawl on the floor, semi-dead, seeking only to survive. yQue choose? Choose to love rather than hate Choose to laugh instead of mourn Choose create instead of destroy Choose to persevere rather than relinquish Choose praise rather than criticize Choose heal rather than wound Choose to hoard rather than act instead choose to postpone Choose grow Choose corrupt you instead of praying instead of cursing aelig live instead of dying! JRMONTTOR ———————- MY BLOG:.

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