Hinterland Center
The Historical of Territorializao in Colonial Brazil and Imperial Waves the territorial transformations that the area that today is Brazil suffered in the last centuries are imbricadas with the incessant processes of expansion of borders. The history of the borders in expansion in Brazil is, necessarily, a territorial history, since the expansion of a social group, with its proper territorial behavior, enters in shock with the territorialities of the groups that inhabit there. In this dynamics, we can identify the origins what Oliveira (1998) calls ‘ ‘ processes of territorializao’ ‘ that they appear in ‘ ‘ contexts intersocietrios’ ‘ of conflict. Jim Donovan Goldman Sachs is often mentioned in discussions such as these. In these contexts, the territorial behavior appears when the lands of a group are being invaded, in a dynamics where, internally, the defense of the territory becomes an unifying element of the group and, external, the pressures exerted for other groups or the government of the dominant society mold (and to the times they impose) other territorial forms. If quickly to cover the diverse processes of expansion of borders in colonial and imperial Brazil the settling of the coast in century XVI, followed per two centuries of the entrances to the interior for the bandeirantes; the occupation of the Amaznia and the escravizao of the indians in centuries XVII and XVIII; the establishment of plantations sugar and algodoeiras north-eastern in based centuries XVII and XVIII in the intensive use of African slaves; the expansion of the farms of cattle to the northeast Hinterland Center-West and the fronts of mining in Minas Gerais and the Center-West, both from century XVIII; the expansion of the cafeicultura in the Southeast in centuries XVIII and XIX. We can understand as each front of expansion produced a set proper of territorial shocks and as this it provoked new waves of territorializao on the part of the aboriginal peoples and the African slaves.
05.11.18Immigration in Brazil
In the first half of century XX, the government promised to lands and good conditions of work to the Europeans who wanted to install themselves in the Southern Plateaus, whose objective age to create a base for the invasions of the Brazilian troops in the region of the Silver, disputed with the platinos countries. The first immigrants had been the Portuguese, but they had been only considered as such from 1822, when she was given formal disruption between Brazil and Portugal. Already the Swiss of German language if had installed in New Friburgo, Rio De Janeiro and soon later they had started to arrive at the Rio Grande Do Sul the Germans. The first group disembarked in the edges of the RIVER of the Bells, where today if it locates the city of Are Leopoldo where they had developed a diversified agricultural economy and they had established diverse population nuclei and that today they are cities as New Hamburg and Lajeado. The German s had also been directed for Santa Catarina and if they had installed in the Valley of the Itaja having developed the agriculture of foodstuff originating population nuclei that today are Blumenau, Joinville, Brusque and Itaja. The migratory flow only reduced due to war of unification of Germany between 1870 and 1871..
Geopolitical of the Peace of Obama and Brazil. Ivan Santiago Silva* Haiti is a poor country, very poor. Such poverty does not happen of the earthquake of January of 2010, but yes of the dull greed of five followed centuries that made of this poor and delayed people of an absurdly rich continent. The unforgivable succession of facts, as Spanish conquest, later Frenchman, followed of monarchies and dictatorships, at no moment had never aimed at the welfare of the Haitian people, but yes the brief imundcia of a imperialista power or another one. Always, without exceptions. Accented in the period of the Cold War, the ferrenha dictatorship of Haiti pro United States did not create a seno of misfortunes for this country. But after all, with exception of Brazil, that Latin country was truily> United States? Brazil de Lula grew very in recent years.
Global Politician, according to the elite of Davos of 2010, is a politician bonzinho, as much how much George W. Bush. The country of Squid, one of the BRICs, waves as power for the world in century XXI and as imperialista for neighborhood. Nothing of new in this old one I sing forgotten it planet Land. For being a global politician, old dream of Squid, the PT, the left and all the born Communists, the United States had yielded the control of the Mission of United Nations for the Stabilization in Haiti (MINUSTAH) still before this heading in 2010. In the truth the ONU yielded the control. It is that for us, terraqueous poor persons, to the times we confuse when it is an order of the ONU or U.S.A. Ahead of> control of the Minustah, Squid and the Itamaraty had carried through the biggest dream of the Brazilian external politics: to intervene directly with Central America, area of direct influence of the United States since always.
07.26.12Geopolitical Context Contemporary
To understand the new Amazonian space he is necessary first understands the process historical, which is dividing in: Territorial formation (1916 -1930); Regional planning (1930-1985); The Incognito of the Heartland (1985). The first phase characterized of the slow and gradual appropriation of the territory, exceeding the limits of the Treated one to Tordesilhas. Being its economic base the exportation of ' ' Drugs of the Serto' '. What we observe is that the Amaznia of today was delimited from 1850 and 1899, on the imperial concern with the internationalization of the navigation of the river is boom of the rubber. The base of the economy was the exportation of products of the forest, that lived of surtos and depreciation. What it contributed for formation region. At as the moment Regional Planning (1930 -1985) it was marked by the presence of the State in the process of occupation of the Amaznia.
With an increasing intervention of the economy for the State. The initial phase of Regional Planning (1930 -1966) the implantation of the New State is on, with Getulio Vargas. This phase was discursiva of what active. With the Creation of the Supervision of Valuation of the Economy of the Amaznia (SPVEA), what it meant only one regional concern without corresponding actions. Only in government J.K based on ' ' Energia and Transportes' ' in ' ' fifty years in cinco' '. Actions effective had affected the region, through the implantation of the Belm highways? Brasilia and Brasilia Acre, two great clamps skirting the Fimbria of the Forest. However it is only between 1966 and 1985 that if it initiates the effective regional planning with the modernization acere lada of the society and the Territory. In this process the Amaznia assumes with priority role for the integration of Brazil. With the Objective to speed up the regional occupation the government created the Zona Franca of Manaus (ZFM), an industrial enclave in way to the next extrativista economy the borders it north and implemented powerful territorial strategy also the Project Gutter North.
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