
Parental Rights

The decision of the district court of the Tyumen region 36-year-old resident of the district Berdyuzhskogo deprived of parental rights in respect of his 13-year-old daughter. Was established in 1998 by the court the defendant was liable to pay alimony in the amount of 200 rubles in favor of his ex-wife for the maintenance of their joint subsidiary. 200 rubles father was paying regularly, but more of a daughters did not render assistance. In June 2008 my mother died tragically girls. However, neither moral or material support from the father was not followed. On the proposal of the guardianship and custody to participate in the child, to take his daughter to his new family, the father expressed his categorical refusal. Prosecutor Berdyuzhskogo area in the interests of the minor filed a lawsuit against a negligent deprivation of his father’s parental rights and changing the size of the alimony exacted. Court by the prosecutor on the basis of evidence received the deprivation of the defendant’s parental rights and alimony in the amount of of the minimum wage..

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Bubble Baby

The age of each child is different, but usually not before the year and not later than three years. Can establish that the time has come, if: – the kid pisiet no more than once in two hours (it is said that the walls of the urinary Bubble strong enough) – not a pipsqueak like a long time to stay in dirty diapers – baby can sit well, can at least be 5 minutes in a sitting position (otherwise it would be difficult to sit on the pot), a good walk (Otherwise you'll have to refer the baby to the toilet yourself – and you also need it to show independence in this matter?) – Tot can shoot yourself and put on pants – you can be identified by behavior of the crumbs that he wanted to relieve themselves, he tuzhitsya, calms down, straining, grunting, driving his legs, etc. Some children have words to express their desire. So you have determined that we should start to teach your baby to the pot. ation. What to do need? First of all, himself a pot. His choice must be given special attention. The pot should be easy for little kids: not too big or too small, handsome in appearance. We would not recommend to use "Musical" pot (like now often be found on sale), electronic musical devices, especially low-quality, often do not differ euphony, and the baby may be frightened.

Secondly, your free time. Accept the fact that you have to pay more than the crumbs of time than before: if you could decide themselves when to change a diaper, now you have to adapt to your baby. Thirdly, patience. Almost anyone with habituation to the pot could not avoid the puddles on the floor, and trousers opisyannyh "embarrassing" situations on a walk. Take it easy: do not scold or punish your baby.

Negative emotions experienced by the baby in the process of accustoming to pot for a long time can recapture his desire to go to pot. Refuse from a diaper for a while to accustom to the pot? This question is purely personal: most parents do not use diapers at this point, someone prefer to use diapers as shorts (especially walking or during the night). How long does it take to accustom the child to the potty? It all depends on the individual child: some really quite seven days, someone takes a few weeks or months. Period necessary to accustom to the pot, nothing to do with mental abilities and your toddler teaching talent: so be patient, do not be nervous and do not worry. In the end, you will succeed.

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Wedding Toast

If you are invited to the wedding, then you must make sure in advance not only for their appearance and gift for newlyweds, but also about the wedding toast, which pronounce for the wedding table. In compiling wedding toast, be aware that a good wedding toast should be: concise, but not stingy (forget toasts General of the movie 'Features of Russian hunting'!); original but not bizarre; 'politically correct' or tactful (avoid insulting allusions that might offend as newlyweds and their relatives). A good wedding toast can not be: very long, boring, sentimental, congested one-liners. During the wedding toast can recall some amusing stories about the groom or bride is actually a wedding tradition, the tradition of a wedding feast. However, one should bear in mind that in the wedding toast is enough of a severity: do not try to fit in a single wedding toast all come to mind anecdotes.

You should also remember that wedding toasts, of course, decorate the festive meal, but all the other guests waiting will be, finally, a toast! If you are nervous, then just say so: the guests will treat your condition with proper understanding. Most of them also feel uncomfortable, saying the public speech, even very short. It is better to propose a toast at a relatively cool head to avoid the uncontrolled flow of emotions. During the wedding toast, a glass should be kept at around third button man's shirt, that is no higher than shoulder level. Uttering a wedding toast, you need to turn our gaze to the person to whom you are forwarding it.

Sip a drink, to revisit toast. After the wedding toast made to clink glasses. At the same men need to keep their glasses (glasses), just below the glasses ladies. And finally, remember that you can not secretly or openly drinking alcohol before the first toast was pronounced! Happy wedding to you!

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