
Bacabal Coffee

I left house in day 03/11/1969 ace 14 hours on of a loaded truck of coconut babau, route the city of Bacabal in search of my dream. Arriving there I arranged a dribble job in the house of an entrepreneur of the branch of coffee milling (Bacabal Coffee) placed me to he himself in the course of Maduresa Ginasial that concluded successfully. However he did not correspond to its yearnings, and entretinha in reading of old periodicals, magazines and for times even in soap propaganda in dust, way to use, etc. In the house had a stuffed bookshelf, however I only read the back of a book for the envidraadas doors, and the times, when they opened them was pra that cleaned I them, to never read them. I imagine that it is an obsession for readings, therefore as it did not have access to books, read until papal brief of remedies.

Thus for innumerable times it arrived of the work in the hour of the lunch and the services were for the half and, propped up I in the wall, to the side of the broom, the bucket with cloth and of I twirl it, absorbed, reading the yellow pages of Veja. I was excused, ordered even so of the job, but it found that the master was incompreensivo. Again the dream was postponed. III? MEETING AND SHORTCUTS IN COURSE GINASIAL As it had returned to my city, continued without expectation, work and study. An interior battle if stopped? as to be a teacher! Then in that beginning of year 1970 some arrangements politicians, conchavos and other things, had established a school of Ginasial course, only one group would be formed and was made an election for formation of this group. The majority of the adolescent young/had regularly attended a course the elementary school and course of Admission, in this in case that I only age that many credits not to put in the act of the registration for the election it needed a responsible one to sign the fiche who? My father, deceased Mine, mother, illiterate.

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Freedom! Freedom!

It wants the true Freedom? The example is of JESUS, who suspirou in the cross, and its last shout was for all its executioners: ' ' You pardon Father, them do not know what fazem&#039 to them; '. Freedom! Freedom! Your wonders, celebrate skies Sir, and, in the assembly Dos Santos, your allegiance. Book of the Salmos, CAP. 89:5. Freedom! Freedom! When I think that this word Sets in motion multitudes; I am soon matutando In the yearning of the Nations! They cry out for release they search and it with galhardia, But if they forget that it, Conquest day after day. It is fight, it is daily work, In favor of the Humanity; If all want this jewel, do not search it in the easiness. Therefore, it only obtains it, Who does not fear challenge, and uses to advantage each barrier, to cross with enormous brio. Here it is the certain way, to obtain this prodigy; It is to always live in agreement, With the New Order: ' ' You love you ones to outros' '. Only this Order of JESUS, the Planetary CHRIST, Can in way extraordinary, To bring the longed for Freedom.

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VIII Politics

The security of the information must also protect the assets and people who work or manipulate the information, in order to guarantee that the interested people in the information, as customers, partners, and the proper institution has safe, trustworthy and available an information whenever necessary. To take care of these necessities, they are elaborated manual of better practical, politics of use of services, politics of access and authentication, beyond directive of groups, among others controls, with the objective to foment the creation of one politics of security that they enclose all and any asset that adds value to the businesses of the company and that they need to be protected. Enterprise VI.Logstica – Governana of YOU – the quick company for the company all a service of logistic lined up the governana of YOU, searching to structuralize and to organize the relationship between people, processes and technology inside of the target of organization. It is exactly this that the area of logistic search to make, executing the organizacional planning, stimulating the contract management with suppliers of technological services and the internal processes, searching a balance between the institution and its suppliers, partners, customers, competitors and agencies fiscalizadores providing the institucional security with the organization. VII.Servios of telecommunication – the company Inter-measured the act of contract of lines of communication of data for the diverse agencies of the State of Par, giving assessorship in the accompaniment of its installation and operation, keeping resident technician and support 24/7 to guarantee the efficiency of the given services. Digital VIII.Certificao; It possesss the interest to mount an infrastructure of public keys (authority certifier), in set with other agencies and institutions of the State, with responsibility for the management, renewal and revocation of digital certificates for its customers, making possible the adoption of the digital signature in its electronic documents, starting to guarantee the integrity, authenticity and not the repudiation of the information.

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Risks of Freedom

Many prefer to live enslaved with security to live free running risk. The slave lives under the protection of enslaves who it or of who it chose to enslave it. The free ones in the risk are owners of its lives and stimulated by the destemor and autoconfiana. Osque had made the first option pparently lives without problems, therefore they count on the support of a pseudo-security. The ones that they had opted to the risk of the freedom live surrounded of difficulties, problems, make look like misfortune. But, although the real risks, are loyal in the treatment and defenders of the freedom, have peace in the heart and are happy even in way to the worse tribulaes.

The slaves of the security are sour, legalist, judges of the free people who consider reckless and intempestive. From fear, cowards become and traem the free ones of truth. The security of the fearful ones is in the men; the security of the free ones is in the auto-confidence of who if it knows ally of God, the liberating Being freest and. The fear is the enemy greater of freedom and of the faith. ‘ ‘ Why you tend fear, men of little faith? You believe in God (Father and Mother), you believe in mim’ ‘. People with fear are not free.

To win the fear is the first step to conquer the freedom. The apparent security of the fearful one is mannering paralysis. The freedom impels to the fight. Who is free takes the risk of the freedom and liberator becomes. The slaves are generating of death, because they do not dare to bet in the life and its risks. The slaves live anxious for the fear to lose its false security. But the free ones wait and trust God. Therefore anxiety and fear live without, without desires and manipulations pra that the things happen as they want, but send to everything to the sovereign will Mr.

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Universe of Freedom

They do not constitute two universes, but two structural dimensions of the universe of the freedom. Right and duty coexist in it two necessary elements, complementary correlatives and function correlative integrated and one to the other. The bond and responsibilities of the freedom are other names pra. Pra it to function corretamente, it requires the functioning of these two basic elements of the healthful human relationship. The freedom will not be able to only function correctly in the dependence of one of these elementos, the expenseses of the other.

If this to happen, it will outside act of its axle, generating right in excess for few, and deveres in excess pra majority. Therefore, right and duty are for the freedom as well as plates are pra scale: without them, the scale does not function. Free fondness to be considering right without the duties, is as to weigh merchandises in one balance of a plate alone. Therefore, if I am object of rights, also I am subject of duties. The freedom if moves between these two extreme and complementary polar regions. It does not have as to escape of this dualidade without alternative. Therefore, I cannot have right or only alone to have: both need to function integradamente. Not it can have right without having, nor to have without the right correspondent.

When few have rights and the majority, duties, the privileged ones oppress the majority. There it is the root of the injustices in the world. Justice is part of the duties of the citizen, independently of the creed. However, to have is debit. My duty is my debit with the fellow creatures. who must, needs to pay.

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I Found My Freedom

FREEDOM I looked my face and I did not find, my being entered in collision, my body it felt cold and he was warm for the solitude, I cried in this empty space, I heard questions without shining answers, that had not shone my golden one, to feel prisoner to me and algemado, in this intern senzala, had surrounded me to rugidores, to devorar my mind and to change back my body. Adormeci and I waited a great ventania, took that me to some place, that rain brought it my face to wash, and until an hurricane, that wake up could me to exempt, me of this depression, and with the freedom to fly. I know that I was creative of this chain, but also know that free I can me, breaking this maliflica DP, and to the world to cry out, that I am son of God and that the life gave and its love to me to face, therefore who loves is free to sing and to dream, to have its proper domain and its life to guide. Today I see everything in my life to capsize, my face to reflect, my body to heat, and through this consequence I reconstructed my being, not to feel emptiness and nor pain, therefore the questions and answers I found in the love. with this love, I found the truth, I banished this such DP, already I do not have anxiety, dream today waked up. therefore I left that world for brings. I broke chains of the vanities, and with much humility I cried, and through these tears, my freedom I found.

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Algerian Political Issues

The Algerian ministry of the Foreign affairs was cautious when it said in a cautious form: ‘ ‘ It seems that the attack was the work of a terrorist group.’ ‘ The movement of the Front of Polisrio that it intends to separate of Morocco and to create an independent country the Saara Occidental person, does not have doubt, of what each time more is contradicted in detriment of an other people’s force. The triple kidnapping of the night of Saturday for Sunday in the southwest of Algeria, place where Al Qaeda in Magrebe Islmico is forged (AQMI), the seita African north of the terrorist organization. The Algerian State, that receives the fields in its territory, must assume its responsibility ahead of the degradante situation each time more in the fields of Tindouf, there none it fulfills the law nor it accepts orders politics, because one ‘ ‘ group terrorista’ ‘ it can be supported as much time, asset and acts to dilute the climate of peace and negotiations that involve Morocco and Saraninaos on the future of sara occidental person. Brahim Ghali, as representative of this group separatista in Algeria, it accuses directly Al Qaeda in Magrebe of the kidnapping of these three foreigners, where the Front of the Polisario if he involves without respito nor to accept the law and to observe the human rights manipulated by other people’s ideology. The Algerian Ministry of the Foreign affairses was, through its spokesman, To love Belani, acted a little more cautious when it said: ‘ ‘ Although it seems the work of a terrorist group, prefers to reserve my commentary (…) ‘ ‘ it indicated. The midnight to passed Saturday was next, certainties men on board an car type jeeps had invaded the zone of Rabuni. This is the administrative center of the intended one self-proclaimed Republic Arab Democratic Sarau (RASD), on to the Algerian city of Tindouf. they had been there until the building where they found the foreign humanitarian workers, who have been taken to an unknown place.

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