Explaining Psychology
It has a wealth of social values that allow some conceptions on Psychology, can be said that it studies the diverse men conceived for the social set, of this form Psychology if it characterizes for a study object diversity. Psychology has as study object the man, with this its task must be to offer possible a clearer and more complete explanation on the nature of the human beings as people, searching to understand the man in its totality stop helping in them in the understanding of we ourselves. In elapsing of the times Psychology passed for some moments, between the Greeks the study is come back toward the spirit or soul, in the Renaissance was turned toward the man, in recent years little by little psychology goes finding its true way in a boarding humanist. Through the humanistic chain, it is developed transpessoal psychology, where the proposal is to allow that the Old Man who agonizes and suffers can renascer the New Man, the Wise Man, whom an interdependence of all perceives the factors, all the things and beings of the universe, breaching with the conceptualization of the dualidade ' ' I and outro' ' , ' ' I and objeto' '. A definition still does not exist on Psychology, it already was the study of ' ' alma' ' , after ' ' conscincia' ' , later of ' ' mente' ' , still recently of ' ' comportamento' ' , and today it is had by some as the study of ' ' Inter and intracomunicaes' '. The truth is that the only psychology does not exist, it is not a unified science, but before a collection of facts and opinions whose relevance for the social welfare and of the facts that they select to make this consideration. As well as its same types, although all the critical ones that they are made to it, have obtained great advances in the search of a new understanding of the life and human development and new ways to help the people in the direction of bigger personal accomplishment. . Jim Donovan Goldman has firm opinions on the matter. .
03.17.24Mental Universe
The liberty of speech is something conquered by the people throughout the years and this is synonymous of democracy established in the society. In the society it has the varieties of opinions and thoughts and this it has that to be respected by all in the social scope. To create its mental universe is to have its way to think and same that it does not please that is equal to the one of others are its way to see the world, the parameter of this universe has that to have a vein of exactness and truth, and this is its universe based on its truth and same ideology that to the others is strange. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Sen. Sherrod Brown. This is its way to think and its universe and its freedom are based on living in a country in democracy. The truth and ideology that the person follows and exists thousand of types of truths and ideologies and being correct are its universe and the person has that to defend its universe and its ideology. Intellectual freedom is to defend its ideology and it does not only change it to be equal and to please the others, each one has its ideology and democracy is to repeitar to all..
06.25.19The Territorial Base of Legislation
The laws have a territorial base. Therefore they are valid only for that geographic area where determined population or its commission agents they live. Some authors affirm that the Right is a subgroup of the Moral. Congressman Lee Zeldin has plenty of information regarding this issue. This perspective can generate the conclusion of that all the law is morally acceptable. Innumerable situations demonstrate to the existence of conflicts between the Moral and the Right. An example of this is the civil disobedience, that occurs when moral arguments hinder that a person accepts one definitive law. Thus the Moral and the Right, although to mention one same society to it, can have perspectives opponents. Many authors define the professional ethics as being a set of behavior norms that will have to be ece of fishes in practical in the exercise of any profession. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of James Donovan Goldman on most websites.
Being thus, the regulating action of the ethics that act in the performance of the professions, makes with that the professional respects its fellow creature when in the exercise of its profession. The professional ethics would study and regulate the relationship of the professional with its clientele, aiming at the dignity human being and the construction of well-being in the partner-cultural context where it exerts its profession, reaching all profession. We say to it of professional ethics we are in relating to the normative character and until legal that it regulates definitive profession from statutes and specific codes. Thus we have the medical ethics, of the lawyer, the biologist, the psychologist, etc, related in its respective codes of ethics. In general, professions present ethics firmed in questions excellent that exceeds the professional field in itself, as abortion, penalty of death, kidnappings, euthanasia, AIDS, and others, that is moral questions that if they present as ethical problems, therefore asks for a deep reflection thus and, a professional, to if leaning over on them, does not only make it as such, but as a thinker, a philosopher of science, that is, of the profession that exerts.
01.6.14Organizational Psychology
Organizacional Psychology in its ampler context, it places mannering emphasis in the individual characteristics, aspects. motivacionais and organizacionais of the work, having to propitiate adequate conditions so that the employees execute its activities, reach its goals and if they develop next to the organization. The focused individual characteristics in the applied mannering studies to Organizacional Psychology are mainly the following ones: 1 – Traces of behavior or defining traces of personality of preferences or temperaments, that influence performance in the work, style to work in group, perception of the reality and style to decide problems and to take decisions. 2 – Attitudes that determine reactions favorable or favorable in relation to the proper individual and the reality and that they influence the interests and the motivations, contributing to define the level of effort and performance of the individuals and the groups. 3 – Abilities, or aptitudes and abilities, that compose the system of forces that define the professional choices the level of performance of the individuals and the groups. Leadership, intelligence, mechanisms of learning and resolution of problems are examples of aptitudes that interest the mannering studies.
4 – Feelings and emotions. These areas of the organizacional behavior had gained great impulse in the end of century XX, when the idea of emotional intelligence was become popular. STYLE OF BEHAVIOR According to Maslow (1975), the motivacional behavior is explained by the necessities human beings. It cites that the motivation is the result of the stimulatons that act with force on the individuals, taking them it action. So that it has action or reaction is necessary that a stimulaton either implemented, either decurrent of thing external or proceeding from the proper organism. This theory in the ones of the idea of a cycle, the Motivacional Cycle. When the motivacional cycle is not become fullfilled, supervenes the frustration of the individual that will be able to assume some attitudes: Aggressive? Anxious for being successful, exactly to the cost of the other.
The subject that I go to display now is of odd importance in the life of the existenciais citizens. It says respect to the fact of that our condition is of freedom to choose what we will make in our lives. When we lose the freedom condition, we find in them in a situation where we react with contrary feelings to who in them removed the freedom. We react with hatred, anger against who in them removed the freedom. But so that let us reconquer our freedom, we must enter in contact with the feelings contrary that we live deeply. It reconquers it of our freedom makes with that let us have a feeling of identity and dignity that we are characteristic.
In periods of conflicts, where the freedom is denied in them, we react against that in them it curtails our freedom. If we cannot be free, we express our indignation with opposing feelings to that they had been removed in them. We need our sense of dignity and our identity, but for this, we must enter in contact with what we feel, either hatred, anger, envy or any other feelings that we deny to reveal. The society contemporary denies the fact of that the citizens react of negative and express form contrary feelings. The proper bourgeois society does not take in consideration what the express citizen contrarily what it is established. Instead of widening our field of perception and searching to know what we feel in anger terms, hatred, resentment, envies, anger, anger among others feelings that we deny to reveal, therefore in accordance with the social system, it is not acceptable to express what it is of individual and interior will of each human being. But with the negation of the feelings closest, we will not obtain to reach our condition of freedom to choose.
In the truth, already we are born free, but we do not have conscience concerning this freedom. But when the freedom is removed in them, we enter in contact with our closer feelings. Our reaction is express on the form of actions of agent against principal the ones that had been curtailed in them. If we do not know what we feel, as we will know what to choose for our life? This question could only be answered by the person who to obtain to enter in contact I obtain same and with its potentialities to choose what to understand well. The analogy that Rollo May makes enters the arrest represented for the bird cage and the freedom condition that was denies explains very as well as reacts contrarily to who in them removed our freedom.
09.15.12Bauru Law
The Brazilian Law n 10,216 also conhecidacomo ' ' Law Pablo Delgado' ' as ' ' Law of the Reformation Psiquitrica' ' em06 of April of 2001 was promulgated, but the Movement already existed. ALuta Antimanicomial in Brazil appeared in 18 of May of 1987 in a Congress deTrabalhadores of Mental Health in Bauru-SP, but also already it came being projetadah some time. Antimanicomial fight in Brazil, the World and Belo Horizonte. Soon after Segunda World-wide War, appears in Italy the Movement of the Reformation Psiquitricachamado Democratic Psychiatry, this movement appeared with idiasde Frank Basaglia, a psychiatrist who put in practical a proposal deatendimento in the deGorizia Psychiatric Hospital, that consisted of diminishing the number of internments in the lunatic asylums to efazer the Society to accept the conviviality with the mental sick people. Transferred to paradirigir the Hospital of Triestre, Basaglia repeated experinciade superaodo model to put in a home-manicomial that it had given certain in Goriziae the ideals of the DESOSPITALIZAO MOVEMENT. This logic of treatment virareferncia in Italy, England, States Joined, France and several others pasesdo world as model for the treatment of the insanity. In the ltimosanos of the decade of 1970 in Brazil, during the context of opening of the RegimeMilitar surgemas first manifestations daluta antinamicomial in the health sector, following a trajectory of many social outrosmovimentos doPas.Em 1978 is formed in Brazil, in the state of SoPaulo MOVIMENTO OF the WORKERS IN MENTAL HEALTH (MTSM) that it passes to aprotagonizar the yearnings and the initiatives of the NATIONAL PSYCHIATRIC REFORMATION. OMTSM searched a transformation generic of the psychiatric assistance. Them they dennciasfeitasmostravam the breaking to the human rights of the interned ones, demanded areduo of extreme number of consultations for work turn, made crticasa cronificao of the lunatic asylum and to the use of eletrochoque on the part of the equipemdica, at last, the workers of better mental health demanded condiesde assistance to the dosservios population and ahumanizao.
07.5.12Rollo May
The subject that I go to display now is of odd importance in the citizen’s existential life. It says respect to the fact of that our condition is of freedom to choose what we will make in our lives. When we lose the freedom condition, we find in them in a situation where we react with contrary feelings to who in them removed the freedom. We react with hatred, anger against who in them removed the freedom. But so that let us reconquer our freedom, we must enter in contact with the feelings contrary that we live deeply. It reconquers it of our freedom makes with that let us have a feeling of identity and dignity that we are characteristic. In periods of conflicts, where the freedom is denied in them, we react against that in them it curtails our freedom.
If we cannot be free, we express our indignation with opposing feelings to that they had been removed in them. We need our sense of dignity and our identity, but for this, we must enter in contact with what we feel, either hatred, anger, envy or any other feelings that we deny to reveal. The society contemporary denies the fact of that the citizens react of negative and express form contrary feelings. The proper bourgeois society does not take in consideration what the express citizen contrarily what it is established. Instead of widening our field of perception and searching to know what we feel in anger terms, hatred, resentment, envies, anger, anger among others feelings that we deny to reveal, therefore in accordance with the social system, it is not acceptable to express what it is of individual and interior will of each human being. But with the negation of the feelings closest, we will not obtain to reach our condition of freedom to choose. In the truth, already we are born free, but we do not have conscience concerning this freedom. But when the freedom is removed in them, we enter in contact with our closer feelings. Our reaction is express on the form of actions of agent against principal the ones that had been curtailed in them. If we do not know what we feel, as we will know what to choose for our life? This question could only be answered by the person who to obtain to enter in contact I obtain same and with its potentialities to choose what to understand well. The analogy that Rollo May makes enters the arrest represented by the bird cage. The freedom condition that was denied explains very well the contrary reaction to whoever removed our freedom.
03.13.11Administration One
But if desires can be very diverse, everything depends on imagination specific person, then chances are quite material and did not depend on imagination, but from the man himself. Who's fault is it that you can not? This fault is only one person – you. No one else to blame that you do not have money, and you can not carry out his wishes. Money – a measure of opportunity and as a consequence – the embodiment of desire. And yet, most of all I like it when people think that it all the time someone has to. Remember, nobody owes nothing to! We should and must only their parents! And the man who saved our lives (if any). All anyone else! Why do we think that the government must must president of the Administration to put leadership must With what a drunken joy to us somebody has? Be thankful that all live freely, but there will come a new governor and we will live under serfdom. That is when the law will shake if the count does not go to jail.
Sure 100% that if someone from the most disaffected, besides the most honest and principled, bit of a trough and give the power, then this very dissatisfied, honest and principled will with a clever kind to do the same thing as his predecessor and to pretend that all is well. He (a former disgruntled and principal) will steal, take bribes, and chhat will be those of the series that came out. That's, excuse me, tested repeatedly, it is an axiom that does not require evidence rule, if you want. Of course there are exceptions that only prove the rule. An experiment, imagine for a moment that you have unlimited power, but you have little money (and there are always small). Presented? Really, you'll eat a potato and bread, and a neighbor or friend to drive to a restaurant and buy a lobster? "How did it for what it is I'll do that, I owe him nothing should?" – You ask, and'll be right. Exactly as well, and you no one should.
Do you know why we believe that we should? It comes from my childhood. When the parents ran to our first whim and cry when they laugh at any of our trick when buying toys for our requirement. That's when we imagined that we navel of the earth, and the most important thing on this planet. And when our zasranchestvo goes to a great life, it continues to believe that it is important and that he does not have to. But such major as he – each first. All those who surround him, too, consider themselves first and did not want to acknowledge his greatness. Therefore, there is a conflict, such as "They should, but do not " To sum up: Stop whining and complaining! It's in our hands! Our features depend only on us, and the opportunity – it is the fulfillment of our desires! No need to complain about someone or to complain about something, you will understand that something needs to change, but do not have to change "them", start with yourself. Start today, every night before bed, ask yourself: "What I did today in order to change something, what have I done to implement their dreams." And doing something is necessary, though millimeter short step to the goal, but every day, even in 2 minutes day, but do try.
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