

To make the vodka, and seethe to crush grain or potatoes. Then there are added yeast. Starts the fermentation process. After some time the brew is obtained, which was loaded into the distillation column, where After numerous processes of evaporation and condensation is obtained purified from impurities and fusel oil alcohol. The resulting alcohol is diluted with purified water to 40-50 degrees, and then filtered through activated charcoal.

Vodka ready. But also distinguish different varieties of vodka, so adding the different components of different taste qualities. In Russia there are many different methods of purification of crude alcohol, as well as the finished vodka. All of them were divided into mechanical and biological. Subsequently, the basic method was filtering vodka through activated charcoal. Together with the purification methods used in Russia to improve the organoleptic quality vodka drink. So, to gain strength and taste of vodka used different hops and wild grasses. Then he started adding different fruit juices, which led to the creation of different flavored vodkas, cordials and liqueurs.

Water that is used to make vodka, is the main difference from its foreign counterparts. Only in Russia it is not exposed to boiling or distillation, which gives it a unique taste, transparency and smell. Water is always subjected to additional treatment: sedimentation, filtration through sand, aeration. Since ancient times, as the main raw material for vodka is rye. But there were times when vodka preparing for beets and even potatoes, which of course did not improve its quality. Now not only used rye, sometimes you can meet and wheat varieties of vodka. The taste of vodka and then affects how alcohol was used during its preparation. In the production of vodka used rectified spirit varieties and luxury extras, the highest purification. For some varieties of vodka using a triple distilled spirit.

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Iron Chancellor

And got the same cherished goal – with an iron fist united under Prussian rule fragmented Germany, which map to Bismarck's contemporaries were compared with a patchwork quilt. After he first provoked the war with France, and then its you-play, had no any obstacles for the implementation of his plans. A conceived Prussian politician as much as the return on the political map of Europe, the German Empire, destroyed by Napoleon. In 1871, at the suggestion of the Reichstag, the imperial crown took the Prussian king Wilhelm I, and he also transferred all the actual power of the chief creator of 'German miracle' – Bismarck, appointed to the Chancellor. Nearly two decades of 'Iron Chancellor' ruled the country, which he himself created, like every great reformer, causing admiration for the minority and a deep murmur of the majority.

Since 1888, when the throne a new emperor Wilhelm ii, Bismarck star politician sunset. The new monarch has made it clear that the two kings in a kingdom not get along, and true German 'ordnungu' Chancellor submitted his resignation. Contrary to popular belief, the policy was not only the passion of the Chancellor. All his life he remained a compulsive gambler – in politics, cards, love. Could lose head, carried away by another beautiful woman, as happened, for example, in Biarritz, where 'iron' heart broke a Russian aristocrat graphite ae Orlov. And very upset when you do not bloomed his favorite lilies – because he was superstitious: if they did not bloom, do not be a treaty between Austria and Russia! And as it relates to food! Bismarck dined usually twice a day, and each of the meals included at least five changes, all washed down with a fair amount of wine. Rabelaisian feast in the house of the Chancellor hit even worldly-wise fellow.

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