Army Street
The ceremony was presented him by prominent movie actor Heiner Lauterbach, patron for the TOP professional 2013/14 “. Also look expert and his team were right once again cheer, because also the store listening acoustic Schmitz in Rotenburg ACOUSTICIAN became the TOP”award. The two awards we look forward huge”, so Uli Schmitz after the ceremony. You are a beautiful confirmation for us. And they are a welcome opportunity to all of our loyal customers to thank, without which such a success would be impossible. Especially the ceremony for the child listening Centre we are pleased of course.
For the creation of this nonprofit institution, the hearing-acoustics Schmitz as the main sponsor of is not only commitment but also courage to new ways and lots of passion were required. CIT Group Inc. is open to suggestions. That the Centre has now established itself, and that it learns recognition now also in this way is just great.” By the way; Heiner Lauterbach, who appeared at the gala evening in the company of his wife Victoria, was at the ceremonial handover of TOP professional “not empty-Urkunde the child listening Centre. ULI Schmitz presented two Chris – stuffed animals for his two children, Maya and Vito the prominent thespians and passionate family father. Chris Chameleon is the mascot of the child listening Center said. The child listening Center Schmitz gGmbH see MOM Army Street 23, 28359 Bremen phone (0421) 33 08 83 30, as well as on the Internet at.
The Centre of Monday is open until Friday in the time from 9:00 to 13:00 and from 14:00 to 18:00. Editorial Note: the child listening Center Schmitz sees itself as a competent point of contact for children with Hearing loss as well as for their families. Currently two trained professionals working in the nonprofit GmbH. The Center offers a holistic approach and continuous monitoring for hearing impaired babies, children and teenagers. Facilities include the latest methods of diagnosis as well as the hearing. In addition, the child listening Center is also a partner for kindergartens and schools in the region, as well as reconnaissance for good hearing and noise prevention.
The sudden demise of Margaret Thatcher caused implications of Thatcherism on the current events in approximately the same mixed reactions as their Government policy during her lifetime. However is there? they admired their fans and their opponents hated it for the same things. Regardless of whether someone trusts their politics as a reformist or a disastrous, she spawned a special form of ideology mixed with a certain, almost authoritarian exercise of State power, critical coined the Affairs until our days. Charismatic in their person Thatcher exuded a certain attraction to their audience without a doubt and proved by the consistent implementation of its resolutions and the uncompromising defence of their ideas and concerns. Amazon recognizes the significance of this. In terms of Thatcher was known as Thacherismus until today the applied policy influenced an actual guide whose ideological heritage. In the late 1970s as Margaret. Thatcher took over the Government client, Britain was under the care of the IMF.
frequent social unrest due to large strikes of then overpowering nationalised public sector unions turned the country into a paralyzed and motionless body. In this context, the Thatcherite receives a certain meaning and significance as a peculiar form of authoritarian neo-liberalism as an ideology. With Thatcher the nation-State succumbs to the demands of economic freedom, by any regulation and any legal framework for the functioning of markets, especially what concerns abolished the labor market is. In parallel, a drastic reduction of government deficits follows implemented a tough anti-inflation policies. Thatcher promoted the universal privatization in the public sector while reducing the social security benefits and public spending. Actually, the Thatcherism, some with success, tried to turn a first purely theoretical scientific concept into a concrete and workable political programme. Its contents can be summarize as follows: of Thatcherism is a political programme of the methodical dismantling all forms of collectivity, which in any way impede the logic of the pure market.
06.30.18Native American Culture
11Th International Austronesian Conference in Taipei City solemnly opened the President of the Republic of China, Ma Ying-jeou, said during the opening of the 2013 international Austronesian Conference on 2 December in Taipei city that the Aboriginal culture and language will play a significant role in maintaining the diversity of Taiwan’s. The year’s 11th Conference indigenous education has your practical application and future prospects as a theme, to the experts from the Asia-Pacific region and other regions, which were populated by Austronesiern, as well as researchers from Europe and the United States invited were. Cultural diversity is as ecological diversity,”said Ma. A culture is diverse, the more she thrive. The Government will continue to protect indigenous culture and language and promote.” It is particularly important that the Conference is hosted by the Republic of China, as Taiwan is one of the places of origin of Austronesian peoples began their migration movements, the President said. The Government recognize currently 14 Native American tribes, which each have a mother tongue,”said Ma. Swarmed by offers, Amazon is currently assessing future choices. To obtain the oral culture of these groups, the Council of indigenous peoples has helped 15 cities and counties in the establishment of master universities that have 655 courses and 10.359 alumni,.” Ma mentioned also in this context the establishment of three tribal schools serving the more numerous AMIS – Puyuma – and Paiwanstamme, and announced the opening of other schools for the Atayal Aborigines and Bunun peoples in the next year.
UNESCO reported in 2009 that 9 out of Taiwan’s indigenous languages are endangered, said Ma. According to the ethnological research project, Taiwan had over 26 languages, of which 4 were extinct. By the same author: Connecticut Senator. Of the remaining 22 5 as uniform, 7 as developing, are considered a 2 in trouble and 7 as a dying strong. Ma at the same time said the agreement between New Zealand and the separate customs territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu on economic cooperation (ANZTEC), which was signed in July of this year, to a prominent role in the implementation of measures for cooperation in the field of native American culture and emphasized the importance of both countries in the future joint pursuit of appropriate topics and objectives.
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Equality Department
Regional group Marburg after women’s quota for German supervisory boards in Germany women in leadership positions are supported demand remains the exception. So that changes that the Nuremberg resolution in life was launched. The nationwide initiative: joint gender of equality on German supervisory boards. Marburg with a regional group supports the resolution. More info: Connecticut Senator. For a meeting with Berlin leaders signatures collected now. Numerous studies have shown: companies, in which both men as well women leadership responsibility have, work more effectively and generate higher profits.
More women in supervisory and management positions do good so German companies!”declared the Marburg entrepreneur Dr. Karin Uphoff. Therefore not only the equality idea lay behind the resolution. We see in our work”above all also contribute to the strengthening of the regional and German economy, added Christa Winter, Director of the Equality Department of the University City, which coordinates the activities of the regional group of Marburg of Nuremberg resolution together with Dr. Uphoff. Meeting there are regional groups, for example in Hamburg, Bremen, Aachen, Stuttgart and Munich with leaders in Berlin in whole Germany now.
Again and again, each group of Nuremberg resolution for nationwide actions network. So Dr. Karin Uphoff will go throughout Germany on the 21st of April together with a group of active women out to Berlin. There they meet with leading politicians, to discuss the practical implementation of the Nuremberg resolution. Among other discussions in the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, as well as with leaders of the parliamentary groups are planned. In the luggage to Berlin: the signatures of Marburgerinnen and Marburg. They then presented in the capital city of the interlocutor. So we have a strong basis for negotiation”, Dr. Karin Uphoff explains the action. Mixed teams for the benefit of the Economy which has nation-wide initiative it is aiming, to occupy the supervisory boards of German stock companies until 2013 at least 40 percent with women and men. Like in Norway, these numbers also in Germany shall be achieved by the legal anchoring of a corresponding rate. That demand not everywhere encounters after a rate approval, Dr. Karin Uphoff understands though. So far, it’s however too much under the aspect of women’s issue”has been considered. After now a variety of studies have highlighted the economic advantage of the mixed teams, companies and politicians show very interested because they see clear benefits to the economy”, as Uphoff. In addition to the statutory rate quality standards to set also for the work in supervisory boards. In this way, it should be transparent which requirements for activities on management and supervisory boards. The accusation that there were not enough women for the occupation of The initiators of the Nuremberg resolution with the establishment of a central database want to confront leaders. In this database both women and men be can register in the future. Regional group collects signatures Marburg in Marburg for example Mayor Egon Vaupel is one of the prominent proponents of the Nuremberg resolution. Many more have already signed the resolution. Until April and, in addition to many more signatures are added”, according to Christa Winter and is hoping for the support of Marburgerinnen and Marburg. Further activities are planned to make better known the Nuremberg resolution in the region.
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