Plastic Windows
How to install PVC windows with their hands? At first glance it is impossible Kazha idea, but the installation of plastic windows with their hands – not such a difficult task. Installation of PVC windows in a private home (and not only), it is can be executed independently. Installation of plastic windows, in fact, is a fairly simple set of operations performed in sequence. But there are some nuances, which you should know if all do want to put windows on their own: Cancellation of the guarantee; ability to damage structures; Structural wave; The flow and moisture from the window openings; accidentally broken glass, etc., Well, with preduprizhdeniyami finished, now to business. In this article we look at technology, installation of PVC plastic windows in the existing window assembly. Tools: Gun mounting for zapenivaniya joints (household cans do not fit uniquely) drill electric screwdriver and a plumb level building for the installation of the hydraulic level windows (not less than 7 meters) to align the horizon, the total line of windows on the wall (facade) and / or mating stenamRaspylitel water hammer chisel wide rubber mount technology PVHPodgotovka windows PVC windows to install. After delivery of the windows client, windows are assembled (frame, glass, glazing beads, protective film). To mount the frame in a window unit, you must remove and dismantle steklopakety.Dlya this you must first remove the glazing beads Important! Sequence retrieval glazing beads follows – first shot more long, then short (when building a window – in reverse order).
Next, remove the glass from the sash. It is better to work with gloves on, or on the corners of glass can injure your hands. Note: If the design imeeyusya transoms, windows do not have to shoot, very quickly to remove the transom assembly. After the operation, there will be only frame itself. To place the frame in the window unit, you need to mark and drill holes drilled by perimeter of the frame (do not forget drilling within the profile that is reinforcement).
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