The Success

Each professor must look for optimum to be able to make to its contents it work and having advantage. For certain he does not have doubt of that education favors the understanding in the way as if makes science. The professor engaged in task to teach will see that the experimental lessons can become a privilegiado instrument students to learn them: Observar; Discriminar; Organizar; Classificar; Medir; Experimentar; Avaliar. It is possible that same in a school with little experimental tradition the pupils pass: Desenvolver innovative abilities and techniques; Passem to use and to calibrate instruments; Passem to use a microscope; Possam to prepare solutions. To propitiate to the student concrete experiences that extend its capacity to establish relations and to understand concepts and principles. Propositadamente must be given priority so that the pupils start to understand me the propitious mentos for the valuation of the life, in its diversity, and the important development of the attitudes and valores, in science and the collective work.

4 SCIENTIFIC EXPERIMENT Despite it has discords how much to some of the cited aspects, justifies the use of the experimental activity as resource capable to assure one efficient learning of the pertaining to school contents. Thus, the experiment can be carried through by the professor, as demonstration, and for the proper pupils, according to a script more or less detailed and previamente elaborated. The experiment must have a previous assay, must be carried through of anticipated form for the professor in order to guarantee the success at the moment of the execution. As general rule first it is used to explain the subject aiming at to introduce and to explore the subjects and, mainly, to motivate the pupil on ' ' que' ' he will be boarded. Of beforehand it must be thought and to have an inductive character, where the students can control 0 variable and discover or redescobrir functional relations between them, or deductive, when they have the chance to test certain predictions of the theory.

| September 11th, 2013 | Posted in General |

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